Sunday 3 March 2013

(Belated) Happy Birthday to me...

I published my first blog post two years ago on the 27th of February 2011 ... 

Since then I’ve:
  • made some amazing puzzling friends all around the world
  • had my mind well and truly blown at my first IPP
  • hosted a couple of puzzle barbecues
  • been to the Dutch Cube Day, twice
  • been to 9 Midlands Puzzle Parties
  • bought hundreds of puzzles (one day I’ll count them properly... but don’t ask what I’ve spent on them – I’m too scared to work it out!)
  •  published 237 blog posts – at just over two a week
  • had over 100 000 page views on said blog
  • and solved one or two puzzles along the way...


It’s been an absolute blast!

Thanks for all your comments, encouragement and advice – and for indulging me while I selfishly write about the stuff that I enjoy...   



  1. Congratulations Allard :D

    I hope the coming year will be filled with much of the same!! Keep it up ;)

  2. Well done Allard! It's been a blast! I'm a little behind you in frequency and starting date but I do know how much I've spent and it scares the living daylights out of me! If you wish I could give you a blank copy of my database so you could find out!!

    See you at the next MPP!


  3. You've spent HOW MUCH??? ;-)

    1. Ha ha ha ha! Gil, you can't even begin to understand how much he's spent! I would just shoot him now before he spends any more!

  4. Hi,

    Just perfect like that, keep going !!!


  5. Congratulations, Allard! Judging by your blog posts you have a wonderful collection. Like Kevin, I also keep a database of how much I've spent so far. I consider my collection to be my treasure, so I don't mind knowing how much I've spent growing it. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

    Keep up the great work ;-)

  6. Congratulations! Keep on going! I always like to read your blog and like that it covers many different aspects (all in puzzle-land ;) ).

  7. Thanks to you all for the continued encouragement! :-) Hopefully I'll be here for a while to come, blogging away in the same vein... allard
