...the occasional ramblings of a bloke who enjoys being puzzled...
Friday, 1 August 2014
Impending Radio Silence.
Heads-up dear reader (for there can only be one of you out there!) Things are going to be a little quiet on here for the next week or two... during the course of today I have five people arriving to stay over for a few days and I'm shuttling a couple of puzzlers between train stations and hotels and my place... tomorrow is MPP and then I've got 48 hungry puzzlers around for a braai. Sunday is Cryptic Puzzle Hunt day north of London somewhere (we only have directions to a deserted car park!) - Monday and Tuesday are for finishing up exchange puzzles and IPP gifts, then Wed through Sunday is IPP... then I may need a couple of days to recover! What I'm really trying to say is I'm not going to have a lot of time to blog over the next week or two...sorry. For those of you I'll bee seeing over the course of the next week or so, you won't be reading this anyway as you'll have much more fun stuff to do... for the others, I will be back with plenty stories and pictures from MPP, IPP and whatever else happens puzzling-wise over the next while...
Can't wait to see your exchange for the ipp. Hope you are bringing along a few spares for those of us not in the exchange :) Loving the blog. Gerard
ReplyDeleteAllard, see you at IPP next week!