(Shock! Horror! No, we’ve never been caught out like that, have we?!)
The standard diagonal burr is
made up of six identically notched sticks that slot together in a standard
six-piece burr shape except that the sticks are all on the diagonal instead of being flat against one another… pulling any set of adjacent pieces apart will
almost instantly reduce the assembled puzzle back to the pile of pieces it
started out as – and assembly is only slightly tricky as it needs to be built
in two sub-assemblies that are offered up at the end.

Lee’s set comes beautifully
presented in his customised boxes, with woods neatly matched between the two
puzzles so that they actually look pretty darn similar when they’re assembled
next to each other. As you might expect with Lee, though, the matching goes a
lot deeper than just choosing bits of similar wood… while the standard diagonal
burr is normally made of single sticks with notches cut in them (can you tell
where the name comes from yet?!) Lee’s copies have the sticks made up of three
separate pieces, so that when you examine the two puzzles next to each other
there’s no visual clue as to which of the sets is Pseudo and which isn’t… a
thoroughly bonkers attention to detail that deserves calling out!
Variations on a theme
First up is a Stuart Gee design called
Diagonal Twins that mates a pair of Diagonal Burrs along a shared axis –
although you’ll need to think about the axis a little… a few of the pieces are
a little unusual but most of them are your standard common-or-garden notched
sticks… the number of non-standard sticks gives a pretty good clue to how
they’re going to be used, but I still found I needed to think things through to
find the appropriate assembly.

Now if you know your Soma cubes well you’ll know that there
are 240 possible cube assemblies – however you’ll find that attaching them to
the insides of a diagonal burr will restrict the number of achievable
assemblies quite a lot – in fact it restricts them to a single solution… making
this a very challenging somewhat distant relative of the standard Diagonal Burr…
Not to be taken lightly!
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