I do manage to entertain Markus for a while on the bus with
my copy of Haleslock #1 – I think he really enjoys the solve and gets through
virtually all of it without any suggestions.

Back on the bus for the ride to Himeji Castle before a hot
and sweaty hike up to the top of the main keep – had to be done, if only for
the stunning view of the ant-people down below, oh, and the cheesy tourist

managed to find the four Kumiki puzzles on display (think he has some sort of
spidey-sense for them!) and then most of us crammed into their classroom for a
hands-on lesson in making a Jacob’s Ladder - apparently a traditional Japanese
I wonder how many other countries lay claim to something similar?! [Several
according to Wikipedia!] We’re led by our enthusiastic museum
director who is being translated by an even more enthusiastic assistant – all
for the princely sum of ¥200! (Really cheap, even after Brexit!)

The bus trip back to the hotel was a long fight against the
urgent need for some sleep, but managed to have a really nice chat with Chinny…
Back at the hotel we run into Wil sitting all on his own,
after a quick hello we head to the room to disgorge rucksack before going to
the Design Competition room and all that that holds… :-)
I make a bee-line for Mike Toulouzas’ Toolbox and Frank and
I have a bash at it after Clive has admitted defeat after finding the first
move. We manage to get all the way
through it, but we’re pretty sure that we haven’t done things in the right order
or used the right tools – and we managed to break the spanner in the process!
(SORRY Mike!!) – we also managed to pretty much reset it all properly, and work
out what we should have used in what order, with a little help from Jeff who’d
done it properly earlier in the day.
When I decide to call it a night there’s still a throng of
puzzlers merrily puzzling away…
On Friday Gill’s organised an informal Fabric & Fibre
tour for a few of the SOAPs based on our earlier recce – and eight ladies head
out in search or fabric, fibre and adventure… and I know for a fact that plenty
of fabric and fibres are purchased – I shall say no more about the third…
The lads meanwhile headed out to Osho’s shop
with Brian leading an unruly bunch of us toward the station to grab a train out
to the appropriate suburb. When we get off the shuttle bus to the station we
find Edi and Sherry and the children have just arrived and they’re waiting for
the shuttle to the hotel – plenty of greetings and quick catchings-up ensue
before the unruly bunch heads off to the platform to grab the train… and somehow
in the process we lose Strijbos! [No other casualties will be reported on this
trip; you will be glad to read.]

We find the appropriate staircase and head up and into
Puzzle-In, Osho’s puzzle shrine: part personal collection, part puzzle shop,
part play area … and truth be told there’s a pretty grey line between them all…
I picked up a few flat packing puzzles and when I tried to
pay for them Osho told me how much he liked reading my blog – Gosh! Day made!
We all puzzled and chatted and generally visited for quite a
while – at one point the doorbell rang and Hendrik walked in and seemed a
little surprised to find the place already jam-packed with IPP-folk.
On the train back into Kyoto we realise that not many of us
actually want lunch after all so we head our separate ways with a few of us
hunting for tat in the basement of Yodabashi before heading back to the hotel.
I spend a couple of hours getting organised for the puzzle
exchange the next day before finding the usual suspects waiting outside the
hotel ball room for the Founder’s Reception. Jerry does a smashing job of
welcoming the new comers before declaring IPP36 officially opened. There is a
lot of milling around and catching up and some great grub, before most folks
retire to the Design Competition room for some more serious puzzling and some
less serious banter.
I head up to Chinny’s room for a bit and find myself
acquiring a couple of his rather unique barcode burr adaptations…

For the record, Steve sounded a
little rough in the morning – and we shall speak of this no more!
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