I’ve already confessed to being a big Karakuri Club fan, and last year I ordered five presents ... sadly they didn’t quite make
it in time for Christmas, and therein hangs a bit of a tale...
As luck would have it, work turned a bit hectic in the
run-up to Christmas so I didn’t end up taking any time off around Christmas or
New Year. (It’s calmed down now, thanks for asking.) I’d been expecting my
traditional Japanese Christmas parcel and then just after Christmas I was in
the office when Gill called and said we’d received a ransom demand from
Parcelforce ... and they wanted £580 in VAT and fees to release my little
package ... which was a bit sickening, not least because I’d only paid about
half that for the puzzles!

This year I requested presents from Akio Kamei, Tatsuo
Miyamata, Hiroshi Iwahara, Hideaki Kawashima and Shiro Tajima, and received all
of the craftsmen that I’d hoped for.
Expansion IV – Akio Kamei
During the second half of 2012 a couple of Expansion variants
appeared on the Karakuri web-site and I was lucky enough to have a play with
Expansion III at James Dalgety’s place back in December. It’s a pretty cute
mechanism and quite unexpected ... and Expansion IV develops that idea a little
It doesn’t look like your average puzzle box, in fact it
looks a bit more like a burr than a box to me. It won’t take a hardened puzzler
very long to get into it, but it’s a neat little mechanism and it’s fun to play
One cute feature is the series of little peepholes on each walnut
piece that gives you a view inside of something metallic ... interested yet?
After last year’s Water Pump, Sunflower isn’t nearly as
difficult a puzzle. Why Sunflower – because his wife loves sunflowers and she
had been asking him to incorporate them into a puzzle for a while, and he’d
finally found a way to make them an integral part of his puzzle.

Once you find the starting move, it should only take a few
seconds to open the secret compartment.
Not the toughest, but beautifully made!
Half-Finished Box - Hiroshi
As you might expect from the craftsman behind the Super-Cubi
and the King-Cubi, this is a pretty decent little challenge... approach it like
a standard puzzle box and you’ll have it open pretty quickly ... and then
notice the rather prominent “A” marked on the lid you’ve just opened and on the
inside of the box. Hmm. Wonder why that’s there?
Take a closer look at the box, that teeny little compartment
and the lid, and you’ll soon reach the conclusion that there’s probably another
compartment in there somewhere ... and finding that second compartment is a bit
trickier than finding the first one... it may be similar in some senses, but it’s
definitely trickier to find your way through to the second compartment.
The name – Half Finished Box is definitely a reference to
how it’s likely to be left by an unwary puzzler and not a reference to the
quality of the craftsmanship on this box – that is tremendous with the shiuri
cherry giving a lovely green tinge to the box in the right light.
Twin 2 - Hideaki
Last year Kawashima’s Christmas present was Twin ... and it
was pretty sneaky! This year his write up warns that if you’re used to his
Christmas presents, this one might be a bit tougher than usual... ominous!
Last year we had a pair of lids opening after a series of
moves with several panels split and moving independently ... this year the colour-scheme
hints at a different sort of combination of moves, yet the faces have a similar
split panel appearance to Twin.

The second move is rather unexpected and somewhat
counter-intuitive ... and from there it’s just a hop, skip and a jump to open
the two compartments ... very different!
Uroboros - Shiro
Shiro Tajima has been crafting Christmas presents in the
form of Chinese Horoscope figures for years now... 2012 was the year of the
snake, and he’s chosen to depict the legend of Uroboros in this year’s puzzle.
Uroboros appears in a number of mythologies around the world
and it depicts a serpent eating its own tail, representing cyclicality and the
eternal return.
Tajima’s puzzle box has a pretty standard looking katsura box
with a drawer through the centre and a serpent wrapped around the middle. (Love
the little red crystals marking out the eyes!)
Finding the first move isn’t immediately obvious and a
little recourse to the legend might be instructive ... work your way through
the first 6 moves to find the first compartment and another 5 or so moves to
find the second compartment...
Easily the Karakuri Christmas Present with the most ‘character’
in my haul this year – and making sure that Shiro Tajima has a firm place on my
favourite Karakuri craftsmen list.
nice reviews... I had 4 out of your 5 craftsman (no Miyamoto this year)...
ReplyDeleteno regrets, and I agree on your favorites!
Thanks mate! :-)