Right, so we
left off where we’d all congregated back in the puzzle room having acquired a
cuppa along the way (Thanks Lindsey!) – down to the serious work of the day!
In the week
running up to the visit, James had sent us an email asking if anyone could
bring a couple of Stickmen (post #15) and any “recent exotic American boxes”
for him to play with. Good thing he did that as I suspect most of us wouldn’t
have bothered taking any puzzles along on the grounds that we wouldn’t want to
embarrass ourselves by taking along something only to discover that James has
several even better versions in his collection already ... however, given the
specific request – Chris took along his Try-Knot, I tossed my Grandfather
Clock, Little Game Hunter and Perpetual Hinge box in a crate, along with Phil
Tomlinson’s Always Empty Box, Eric Fuller’s Triple Locked Box and Kagen
Shaefer’s Diamond Box – not sure if they should be classed as exotic, but
pretty sure they were recent and American! Ali brought a couple of recent Bill
Cutler purchases and Nigel had his lovely muku Super-Cubi.
When we’d
arrived in the morning, we had added our offerings to those already on the
altar, err, puzzle table – and I couldn’t help but notice a couple of rather
exotic looking puzzles on the table already ... right in the centre there was an
enormous entanglement puzzle that I think I recognise as one of James’ own
designs from his Pentangle days called the
Devil’s Halo and next to it was a gorgeous Packing Crate – one of Ninomiya’s! (One of several
Ninomiya’s that came out to play during the afternoon, as it turned out.)
Nigel & Immaginario Lunare, Louis & Twin Box |
rapidly degenerated into typical MPP mode with most folks picking up a puzzle
and trying to solve it while having a bit of a chat with those around. Every
now and then someone would need some encouragement and some wag would provide a
nudge in the right direction, usually disguised as some form of insult!
We introduced
James to the Always Empty Box and were relieved when he didn’t open it
straight-away – in fact it kept him out for a little while and when he did find
the “strange” move it seemed to put a grin on his face ... it’s nice when you
can do that to someone who seems to have virtually every puzzle known to man –
and also great to see someone still enjoying the discovery of something new
when they might have been expected to have become a wee bit jaded with all of those puzzles in their collection
On our tour
we’d collected a number of Eric Fuller boxes and several people enjoyed playing
with the 51 Pound Box, generating a fair amount of discussion about how those
bits in there would actually behave the way they do. A really clever idea built
into a very handsome little box.
There were copies of the Tier Box and the
16-Move box – both of which managed to keep me out – although Ali and Chris
both managed to open them and gave me a very satisfied, knowing grin after they
had, that made me think that they’d both generated a tremendous amount of
respect for those little boxes, so I didn’t feel too stupid at not solving them (yet).

Eric’s Hinged
Box became a bit of a favourite around the table during the course of the day –
it looks really plain without any of the usual complications of a puzzle box
... a careful examination will show what looks like a pair of sliders but they
don’t go anywhere – finding what you can do then leads you on a little journey
of discovery that provides a couple of delightful little surprises for people
who’ve seen quite a few puzzle boxes before – in fact, I’d go so far as to say
that they’re probably designed to confuse puzzlers – and succeed! Opening that box
is a delight.
Louis spent a
while on the Beaulid Box and managed to crack it, properly, which impressed
pretty much everyone who’d seen it. I’d spent a couple of minutes playing
around with it and got the sliders to make some noise, but got absolutely
nowhere ... in the car on the way home that evening Louis was describing how
he’d solved it and I’m not at all surprised that I got nowhere on it... nor am
I surprised at the fearsome reputation that mechanism has earned – Eric Fuller – you’re a bad man!
At some point
Lindsey announced that Mr Baker the local butcher (yip!) had delivered lunch
and it was ready – so we dragged ourselves away from our puzzles and into the
kitchen to help ourselves to a fantastic spread of cold meats, pies, salmon and
cream cheese, bread and cheeses – wonderful lunch – with plenty left over for
those of us making a pig of ourselves and laying into seconds!
After lunch
we slipped happily back into puzzle-mode. James fiddled around with the Little
Game Hunter a bit - started the Hephalump-dismantling process before getting
pulled away to something more pressing, whereupon Louis thoroughly dismantled
it and reassembled it entirely unassisted – the man is a puzzle-cracking

Nigel offered James a look at his Super-Cubi and he duly made appreciative noises about the muku before owning up to having one of his own which he subsequently brought out. James asked Nigel about opening them and Nigel then lapsed in clickety- clack mode and proceeded to open his rather quickly - but while that was going on James looks on in respect, goes next door and grabs a puzzle mate to come in and have a look at this and the two of them are pretty much in awe as Nigel blasts through the 324-move opening sequence ... later Nigel has a go on James' Super-Cubi and he's clearly making heavy weather of it before James admits that it's only been opened a few times and is still rather stiff - no wonder their reaction at seeing Nigel running through the sequence on his copy - he must have opened and closed his hundreds of times by now so the mechanism is nice and slick.
Helen asked James if he had a standard Japanese puzzle box that she could have
a go at – she’s had plenty of fun with Chris' more unusual Japanese boxes but hadn’t
seen a traditional box with sliders and moving panels ... so James wanders off
to a cabinet and comes back with a lovely little box and says “Here’s a nice
little Ninomiya for you to play with” – I will lay money that you wouldn’t get
that sort of offer in many other places – but it goes back to what I was saying
in the first part of this post – James seems to delight in showing people new
things and having them enjoy playing with the puzzles – even if they happen to
be rare puzzles made by super-craftsmen.
One of the boxes I really wanted to have a go at was Kagen Shaefer's Snake Box, so James hauled it out of the cabinet and presented me with it. A little fiddling found the right bits to move and soon enough I'd transformed the pattern and opened the rather beautifully made box - I was halfway through closing it up again and taking a bit of strain getting the tiles to slide properly when James asked me if I'd found the second compartment - err, No - which is ironic, because a little earlier I'd done exactly the same thing to him on my Diamond Box! OK, back things up a bit and open the box again and then find the cunning little secret compartment that is cleverly hidden in the lining - very cute - this time I borrow one of James' rubber thumb tips to slide the tiles and that makes easy work of it...
During the
course of the afternoon James kept dipping into the Kamei drawers and bringing
out something interesting ... at one point I was handed a rather heavy dark
wood Kamei card case and thankfully I managed to engage my brain before I
totally embarrassed myself, grinned and asked if it was what I thought it was?
James was dead-pan, and asked me what I thought it was, so I told him and only
then did he break out in a smile and confirm it ... closer examination of it
shows just what a wizard Master Kamei really is with wood – the illusion is
A while later
James gave me a flat box with a lid on it – removing the lid presents you with
the tray which, unhelpfully, has a recessed lid inside it – there’s clearly a
slot in one of the sides, but the tray’s lid refuses to slide through it ... I
remember having seen something like this before on another Kamei box so I try
the same trick and nothing happens – which confuses me a bit (yeah, yeah!) –
until a short while later when Oli sits down next to me (he’d been sitting
across the room on the floor working on some other Kamei’s at the time) and he
has a similar looking box and lid in his hands, except mine’s a light wood and
his is black – a small light turns on in the dim recesses of the mind – a quick
fiddle around and we open the boxes ... at which point I tell Mister Dalgety
"That was mean!" He protests that he’s James, not Mister Dalgety and I reaffirm
that when he does that to me, he’ll be Mister Dalgety! [If you haven’t worked
it out – they’re a pair of Kamei Library Boxes – James gave me one and Oli one
– while we were on opposite sides of the room ... and they need to be solved
together! Sneaky so-and-so... :-) ]

We broke for
afternoon tea which included scones with jam and clotted cream (we were in Devon after all) courtesy of the
butcher (yip!) and a Tangram cake that Gill had rustled up the night before – I
know I’m biased but I thought it looked great – and the locals seemed to like
the idea – and that made it all worthwhile!
You sure? |
After tea,
James asked if anyone wanted to have a go on the Bad Radio – most of us knew
what to expect, but James (the younger – this is going to get complicated!)
hadn’t heard about it before so he was volunteered – and I’m guessing he smelt
a rat right about now ...
James (the elder) explained to those of us too young
to remember valve radios that they’d often go on the blink, requiring a bit of
a shake (and while demonstrating several metallic thingie’s can be heard flying
around inside) but when that doesn’t work, they need a bit of a bash, at which
point he placed it on the shelf and asked James (the younger) if he would mind
being of assistance.
James looked a bit quizzical at this point and clarified
that he was being asked to hit the puzzle – yip – looking a bit concerned he
clenches a fist and looks at James the elder one last time with an “Are you
really sure about this?”-look – yip ... so James wallops it and to the delight of the assembled masses, the front of the radio flies off taking half of the metallic-y innards
with it – hoots of laughter all around – even from James the radio-basher at
that point ... what a fun box!

James (the elder) asked if we’d like
to have a go at opening his exquisitely carved antique
Scannavinni puzzle cabinet
from 1870 – and Chris and
Louis offered to take one for the team (basically none of us could get there
faster than they did!). James demonstrated the first move which has half of the
right-hand side of the cabinet pull open like a drawer – only thing is you couldn’t
spot any clues that there was a drawer there if your life depended on it – the carving
is still
that perfect nearly 150 years later.
At that point James stepped back
and threw in some helpful suggestions from time to time. I’m probably going to
miss out a step or two, but the main opening sequence is something like this:
into drawer on right, feel for suspended string and tug on it
on upper right is released and opens (you wouldn’t have found it!)
key from left drawer, unlock front panel that then tilts down
at the beautiful carved building and door for a while
the capstone to release central drawer
decorative pieces on sides to release pair of doors each side revealing 6
drawers (containing James’ secret stash of novelty pens!)
more hidden drawers open below those as well.
central door by manipulating door panels themselves, door flaps downward
pulls forward on rails, manipulate lever and handle to open safe compartment...
Believe it or
not, there are another two major compartments, but they require access to the
back (and the cabinet was up against a wall at the time...) and some heavy
lifting, so we let them keep their secrets.
Hopefully you
can tell from the pictures that there are hundreds of interesting little things
scattered around the puzzle room – one of them won’t show up that well in the
pics and it’s worth pointing out ... everyone’s seen a Three Card Burr before,
but James’ copy spins gently on a levitating platform above a mirror on one of
his puzzle cabinets... neat, understated, and utterly mind-blowing!
Toward the
end of the afternoon James offered us two choices: would we like to have a team
challenge or see a truly handsome puzzle chest – so we did the only honourable
thing and just said “yes, please, both, sir”.
Gents travel chest |
The handsome
puzzle chest turned out to be from the 1800’s and took the form of a gentleman’s
travelling chest. Made in the most beautifully polished wood, it still rests
inside its original leather outer case. Unlocking it with the correct key, the
front panel folds down and the lid opens upward to reveal a fantastic
collection of silver and glassware – everything the travelling gentleman in the
1800’s might require – from brushes to razors, leather strop to bottles – all still
beautifully preserved (apart from the bottles being empty). Ostensibly this was
just a travel kit for a gentleman, but if you know what you’re doing, there are
multiple hidden compartments for storing important paperwork, jewellery and one’s
gold coins ... in fact James proceeded to show us the first document compartment
that actually still held the original dispatch note from the manufacturers to
the very first owner! Then followed a series of hidden drawers released by
pushing in just the right spot on the satin lining, and those in turn had further
hidden compartments under and around them... staggeringly beautiful and perfectly
The team
challenge took the form of a large cabinet (The Birthday Cabinet – because it
was given to James as a birthday present) with no apparent way in. The cabinet
itself was made as a project by a particular craftsman in order to demonstrate
his skills to gain entry to a guild. (Having seen the cabinet, I’m guessing
they welcomed him in!) We were told that there were ten words hidden around the
cabinet that would describe what it was, who made it and when ... gauntlet duly
tossed, we stepped up to the plate – to mix a few metaphors and span a few
Four of us
took turns dismantling the box and it’s bits... getting the front panel off
after someone spotted something interesting on the feet – which shows the
insides of a beautifully made stationery cabinet with little drawers and
storage compartments.

Since we were on a mission we proceeded to remove and the
drawers and storage bins systematically, finding about half of the hidden words
without too much trouble – but then we hit a brick wall ... knowing that we were
only about half way through, we’d run out of things to dismantle – until we noticed
– probably after a suggestion from James, that there may be a false bottom or
two – and boy were there – the drawers looked identical, yet some of them had
false bottoms on them with a secret word sandwiched in between. Some of the
bins had strange mechanisms to keep you out – but eventually we’d tracked down
all of our words to confirm who made it, when and what it was... reassembling
took almost as long as opening it up and we had to backtrack once or twice to
get one of the bins working properly again – a nice fun team puzzle – big enough
for four or five folks to work on it at the same time and enjoy solving
something together.
James gave me
what he described as an interesting burr to play with during the course of the
afternoon – it looked a bit like the mutant love child of a spider and a six piece burr and I cannot
remember it’s name for the life of me, but think it may have been one of Oskar’s
designs. As soon as I started playing with it, I realised this was no ordinary burr
– for one thing, it clearly required co ordinate motion to disassemble, which
is unusual for burrs, methinks ... I rather gingerly squeezed and moved the bits
apart slowly until they were just hanging on, and in my mind there were three
or four pieces to this thing... sucking up a wee bit more courage I pushed a
little further and one piece came out – except it was a lot smaller than I was
expecting – then another let go, and another,
and at that point I just started laughing and let go and watched as
twelve identical spindly pieces ended up in a pile on the table – the clattering
of the wood falling made a couple of people look up to see the utter despair
behind my laughter – there was absolutely no way that thing is going back
together again by my fair hands! I did try for a while, and James even offered
some advice (“I think you need to build four assemblies of three pieces each
and then put them together in a co ordinate motion” – Thanks!) – but that was
the one puzzle I left in bits that day – to be honest, I’m amazed it was the
only one... but ashamed that I’ve left James with what I suspect will be an
awful job of reassembly – unless of course he has a sneaky jig hidden somewhere! :-)
Louis and I both managed to conquer the Foshee Skeleton Lock that had bested both of us at Wil's place - that puzzle is fantastic - several layers of sequential discovery and really getting a smile on your face when you think to yourself "I wish I had a ..." only to find one turn up a few moves later... must try and find one of those for my collection.
I don’t think
we disgraced ourselves on the whole, and by the time we left even Percy had
warmed to us and was happy to accept a bit of a cuddle - Percy and Lilly are
the Dalgety hounds - Lilly is the extrovert who desperately wants to say hello
to everyone, in spite of her currently recovering from a dislocated shoulder.
To our
wonderful hosts for the day, James and Lindsey – a huge THANK YOU for a really
mind-blowing day ... it literally was a privilege – thanks for sharing your home
with the mob from the Midlands for the day – if you’re ever up this way I’d
love to repay your hospitality ...
Photo courtesy of James Dalgety. |