Sunday is the puzzle party – usually one of the great
highlights of my IPPs – however this year it was preceded by a bit of a chest
issue that kept me up all night and saw me needing to
head to the Emergency Room in the morning for some drugs and a cortisone drip…
Osho insisted on driving us to the hospital [Thanks Osho!!] and made sure we
were getting helped and much interpreting help from Tetsuro who stayed with us
the whole time we were there and made sure that we got everything we needed –
Thank you to both of these puzzling friends who gave up the first few hours of
the puzzle party to make sure that I was OK. (And to Lixy for getting me sorted
at the hotel!)
While the drugs were doing their thing, I went back to bed
and then made it down for the last hour of the puzzle party. Much concern was
expressed and also a fair amount of relief to see that I was vertical - thanks
In spite of “missing all the good stuff” (not really!) I
managed to pick up a fair few nice little trinkets, including a copy of the Imaginary
Cube puzzle from Saturday’s lecture and a few little packing puzzles from
Gill ushered me back to the room for some more rest before
allowing me downstairs for a few of the afternoon’s lectures. Takashima-san
gave a really poignant lecture on puzzles in wartime showing that puzzles
literally transcended the war with both sides using the same puzzles for their
propaganda messages. That lecture really struck a chord.
I ended up missing a few of the other lectures that afternoon
while I caught up on some of the sleep I’d missed out on the night before…
At the awards dinner we were treated to a truly world-class
act from Yosuke Ikeda – well worth watching
the video link on that page! We were all thoroughly delighted – everyone in the
audience had a permanent look of absolute wonder on their faces – you just had
to smile all the way through his act… after the act, the applause was rapturous!
The Obligatory Renegades Photo! |
Nick’s traditional awards show followed with the two Penta
packing puzzles doing really well and an Honourable Mention for Mike’s Toolbox.
It’s a good night for puzzles!

After the formalities wind up there are the usual long sad
farewells to folks that we probably won’t see for another twelve months… but
it’s been great to catch up again and to puzzle together.
That evening Mine puts a note on FaceBook to say that the
Penta packing puzzles will be for sale in Hakone on Tuesday… and we just happen
to be heading there on a bus with a hundred or so puzzlers!
Monday, and the drugs are starting to help, a bit.
We have an 8:30 bus call before we head east wending our way
to Tokyo. Our first stop is at the Giant Kite Museum – where they just happen
to have a pretty awesome collection of impossible objects of every single
persuasion, from traditional Japanese bottle stuffing, to modern puzzles like
Strijbos’ impossible aluminium dovetails.

Several impossible objects are for
sale from Osho and a friend who’ve driven ahead of us to make sure they were
all set up before we got there – grateful puzzlers did what they normally do in
situations like this and bought many, many things from them!
Next was a stop at the Toyota Car Museum with some lovely
specimens for the petrolheads to drool over – loved the blue Bugatti! Light
lunch at the museum before we headed off to the next Toyota museum – this one
specialising in the future technologies being developed – and outside their
auditorium they just happened to have a fantastic Patrick Hughes perspective
painting to mess with your head…
Another hour or two in the bus took us to our hotel for the
evening – easily the dinkiest hotel (and rooms) I’ve ever seen. A bunch of us
head out in search of food and find a great little restaurant that had a table
for ten(!) available. We settle down for an extremely varied dinner before Gill
and I fade early – still trying to catch up on the sleep we’d missed on
Saturday night.
Tuesday sees a reasonable start with everyone keen to get on
the buses and head for Hakone. We make one stop on the way there – at a
services with a great view of Mount Fuji … and it’s not covered in cloud! The
Tourism gods must be smiling on us today!
When we reach Hakone there’s a disorderly disgorgement of
puzzlers as everyone tries to get to Izumiya first!
There’s a serious gaggle around Mine’s table outside of
Izumiya where he’s selling ready-made bags of puzzles in two sets – I opt for
Set A as I’d missed out on last year’s puzzles and that gives me a set of them
as well as this year’s designs. I am delighted – happy to have already got what
I really came to Hakone for – the puzzle boxes will be a bonus!.
I picked up a couple of the more recent Karakuri boxes and
then Gill and I spent the rest of the wandering around the village, having
lunch and chatting…
We visited the new Karakuri Museum – well worth a visit –
there’s a Kamei secret door to get into the exhibition and woe betide anyone
who tries to sneak around the back and get in without going through the secret
door… Strayer, we’re looking at you!
Inside there are some wonderful Nonomiya
and Okiyama boxes, a self-opening trick box (just press a button and watch it
open itself up!), several items of puzzle furniture being enthusiastically
demonstrated by the staff and even some Brian Young and Frank Potts puzzles on
display. As I said, well worth a visit!
The drive into Tokyo was really interesting, especially as
we entered the great city itself – where a number of subterranean expressways
link parts of the city – accessed via long corkscrewing tunnels into the centre
of the earth…
The bus drops us off outside one of the recommended hotels
and we wander up a couple of blocks to get to our hotel for the next few
days – we’re totally zonked and manage to find a sandwich joint for dinner and
we crash really early…
Come Wednesday morning we realise that we’ve both picked up
Chinny’s flu bug so we take it really slowly, taking in a few fabric stores
that Gill’s scouted out via ‘tinterweb and I spend an hour wandering around the
local Tokyo Hands. Dinner is in the hotel because we literally can’t face going
out… damn flu!
Thursday sees another late start and we managed to head to
Akihabara and find Torito where Meiko and Susuma are back at work again after
taking a couple of days off to enjoy IPP36 (in fairness, they worked pretty
hard there too!). I pick up a few small goodies there before we decide that
we’re running out of ‘nergy and we need to get back to the hotel… and sadly we
have to cancel our date with the Pawligers that evening at a Ninja restaurant
in Akasaka… we have take-out in our room instead.
…and Friday is pretty much completely filled with travelling
home – which takes us about 24 hours all told… but then we’re home with the pup
and we can both convalesce a bit before work beckons on the Monday morning.
Even though things didn’t really go all that smoothly for
both of us on this trip, we still got to spend time with some brilliant friends
from around the world, got to play with some fabulous new puzzles, bought a
few, swapped a lot and wouldn’t trade it for the world… same again next year?
Of course!
Hi Allard! Sorry to hear about your rough journey. Thanks for sharing the great stories and memories.
ReplyDeleteCheers Steve - all's well that ends well... and you're welcome! :-)
DeleteGlad to hear you are OK Allard. B
ReplyDeleteCheers Bruce! :-)
DeleteAllard, no wonder I couldn't find you that morning during the puzzle all is well with you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jerry - much better now! :-)
DeleteYour page came up in a Google search for box packing puzzles. I was able to identify a puzzle I purchased in a thrift store yesterday (not correctly assembled - but it is now) by looking at images, some of which were indexed from your blog. The item in question appears to be like Bill Cutler's Blockhead puzzle in your April 2011 post. You might like to know that your links to his page at result in 404 (page not found) errors. It appears that he can now be found at
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your items and your knowledge.
Best Regards,
Steve Tucker - Utah, U. S. A.
Blockhead is a great puzzle to find in a thrift store, Steve - hope you really enjoy it!
DeleteThanks for the nudge on Bill's links... I've updated all of them now (think I found them all!) to point to his new domain... now at some point I need to tidy up my pointers to Eric's site as he moves things after they've sold out...
Thanks for the kind words, glad you found it useful!
Sorry about the flu, I'll try not to hug my nurse on the last day before IPP.I'll try and give you a better one next year,,, Nice bunch of puzzles,,,,Chinny
ReplyDeleteNo worries Chinny - if it hadn't been you...
DeleteOh never know you had the accident at the puzzle day Allard! You look like nothing happened when I saw you during the Lectures, at the moment you gave out your exchange puzzles to two of my new attendee friends. But it's good to know that you're fine.
ReplyDeleteWish you always healthy!
Thanks Otis! :-)