Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Christmas Puzzle 2024

Who doesn’t love a bit of a conundrum competition at this time of year… I guess I can’t break with tradition, so here are some random questions that might just lead you to a name… send me that name to allard pot walker cat gmail pot com, ensuring you rotate the two p’s 180 degrees and lose the first c… you’re a puzzler you shouldn’t find that bit hard!

Bonus points if you answer in a witty haiku (-30 minutes), a limerick (-15 minutes), or a question (+5 minutes).

1.     Brian's Tardis (2, or 4, or 9 for that matter…)
2.     Chambers, Rossetti & Stevens did this one (2)
3.     Dic's perforated pod
4.     Diniar's clear box with red and blue bits inside it…
5.     Enright's second homage to a coin operated classic
6.     Frank's STPB (3)
7.     Gain's attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one… (9)
8.     Hunter's steel orb of wonder
9.     Iwahiro's uneven one (2 or 3)
10.   Jerry’s hanky (7)
11.   Kosticks' bevelled (dimpled) box
12.   Markus' preposterous pachyderm prom (3)
13.   Miyamoto-san's whimsical strolling beetle
14.   Robrecht's crypto conundrum (7)
15.   Stickman #18
16.   The one BY made in PNGR where GPK went one better than BC
17.   …the one where GPK invites you to place bindings in a box (5)
18.   Toulouzas' terrific table (5)
19.   Vesa's most murderous mirror mystery (IMHO) (10)
20.   Volker does one for the little people
21.   What happens when Brian puts Piet's classic inside a diagonal burr (2)

Happy Puzzling and Merry Christmas...


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