Our last cruise came literally a couple of days after I got
back from the Dutch Cube Day, and as you’d expect, I came back laden with
unsolved puzzles ... so along with the usual pile of books (neatly loaded onto
my Kindle!) I snuck in a couple of puzzles as well... small puzzles, flat
puzzles, puzzles that wouldn’t break in the hold luggage – I took a few tray
packing puzzles and my copy of Wil’s Magic Domino puzzle.
Now I had several reasons for taking a few packing puzzles –
firstly there’s all that stuff above about them being flat, quite sturdy, easy
to pack and the like – but I remember reading in Brian P’s blog about his visit to Stewart Coffin that the master himself always goes cruising with a
particular tray puzzle (Coffin #167 if you’re interested) that has subsequently
been dubbed “Cruiser”. If someone like that, with access to heaven only knows
what variety of puzzles chooses to take tray puzzles on a cruise, then there
must be something in it!

First up were a pair of IPP exchange puzzles from Rob Hegge
(who doesn’t write a blog!). Crafty Crates was his exchange puzzle in Berlin
this year and Annoyingly Squary Puzzle was his exchange puzzle from IPP 27 in
Australia. When I bought them from him
he made sure to warn me that the Crafty Crates had a solution that was quite irregular
– he didn’t say anything about the other one, but I suspected that it would
require a piece or two at a squiffy angle as well and that he was just trying to
lull me into a false sense of security.
Each puzzle has a main tray area and a hole on the side for
storing the ‘extra’ piece – and thoughtfully the main tray area includes the
scrap piece to keep all the bits from flying around. Both tray areas are square
(sometimes it’s worth checking!) and pretty much what you see is what you get –
they’re pretty honest puzzles!

After a while I figure that there will need to be a pretty
efficient combination of some stuff that’s square-ish and some stuff that isn’t
– and it takes a bit more experimentation to narrow down a line of enquiry
before stumbling onto a construction that works ... so I took a picture of my
solution, packed it back up again and left it on the coffee table for the next
victim to wander in and have a bash. All up, it probably took me about an hour –
in 10-15 minute chunks over the course of a day or so... damn fine value per puzzling Euro!

This one kept me going on and off for days! Having solved
the Crates, I thought I had a strategy that would help. My strategy combined
some things in corners for “efficiency”, and then some bits at weird angles to
fit in between them - of course all that “strategy” taught me was that the
eventual answer is nothing like what your brain keeps telling you is the most
efficient way of doing things – and that’s probably the central design tenet
behind all of these sorts of packing puzzles: if it looks ‘efficient’, it will
not work!
I must have taken several hours spread over a couple of days
before I finally managed to settle on just the right combination of square and
not-so-square aligned pieces to get them all jammed into that damn square tray.
This puzzle is very well named, Rob.
The last packing puzzle I want to chat about here is a
delightful version of Stewart Coffin’s Few
Tiles that I acquired from Bernhard Schweitzer.
It’s made by a Hungarian
gentleman named Peter Gal – who's hobby is bookmaking (and not the bet-taking
variety! so perhaps bookbinding would be more appropriate, but that
would kill any betting jokes, so he's a bookmaker!) – not typically the
sort of
craftsman you might associate with puzzle-making – but take a look at
little book – because it really does look exactly like a book! From the
it looks like a tiny notebook, complete with elastic strap to keep it
... open it up and you’re presented with a set of printed instructions
(complete with a highly misleading picture!) on the left and a laser-cut
and pieces on the right.
Being perfectly laser-cut, the puzzle is absolutely true to
Coffin’s design and provides a great challenge – and as these designs from
Stewart Coffin go, this one’s a killer! He uses all of your assumptions and even
your ‘knowledge’ of his other designs against you – sneaky sod!
For me, the presentation of this puzzle is simply terrific –
I hope Peter continues to make many more of these variants – I’m sure I’ll be
wanting to add to my collection of little notebook puzzles.
You should check the Quadratum Cubicum puzzle :)
Thanks for your encouraging words. I have more than 15 types of puzzle booklets. Have a look at my blog:
Actually, I am a hobby book binder only, I work as a software engineer.
Peter Gal
Thanks Peter - I'll edit the post so that I don't accuse you of being a professional book-maker err-binder any longer. Thanks for the links to your blog - the pictures look very interesting (are any still for sale?) - I just wish I could work out how to get Google to translate it without getting confused by the redirection... THANKS for dropping in to say hello!
ReplyDeleteYes, there are still some booklets available. If you need more info, please send me an email to:
You may try to copy/paste some text from my blog to google translate window, but Hungarian language is not an easy job for it anyway.
Peter Gal