Back at the house, he
good-naturedly ran through the tale again for Gill before we feasted on
home-made pizzas and disappeared into the puzzle cave for some
puzzling…in spite of being through the wars recently
and travelling most of the afternoon, he still solved more puzzles than
I did and stayed up later than me… I am not worthy… :-)
Next morning after some croissants we headed down to the hall where we managed to get everything set up before the gang arrived.

Dave had brought an
enormous box of disentanglement puzzles along for folks to try and
during the course of the day I saw several people stepping up to the
challenge – most slunk away defeated by the looks of
things. (Before you ask, I didn’t even try – I know my limits!)
I enjoyed foisting my
new restricted packing puzzles on all comers – Katsumoto-san’s Packing
Puzzle 4P went down particularly well with everyone going through the
same set of emotions as they tried to solve it:
“that was quite easy” after solving the first side, followed by a
long-ish pause and some muttering before eventually a “Niiiiiiiice!” as
they solved the second side.

Big-Steve had ordered a
bunch of Japanese goodies for Ali and I and was playing Santa Claus to
two expectant puzzlers. We each ended up with a new Endo-san puzzle,
some tray puzzles from Osho and a new rather
tricky Yamamoto packing puzzle. (He even had a spare copy of the Endo
puzzle that I was able to purchase as an early birthday gift for the
patient.) Thanks Steve!
Someone had brought
along a set of the Yuu Asaka puzzles so I finally got to have a bash at
Wave 7 – I spent a while convincing myself that some strategies wouldn’t
work and then started getting quite creative
– coming pretty darn close to getting everything in at one point, and
just about giving up – at which point the patient says “let me just try
something” and promptly solves it by moving a single piece… I let out a
little primal scream (and swore a bit!) –
he is an expert solver… no question about it. [Excellent puzzle, by the
way – well worth adding to the collection – hopefully I will be

Frank had brought along
a few well-gummed-up metal puzzles purchased off the inter-web – all
apparently made by a tool-maker for his own amusement. There was a
six-piece burr, a kumiki cube and an impossible
dovetail joint – all pretty much jammed shut and not really wanting to
budge. Chris took them on as a personal mission for the day and duly
disappeared into the kitchen with them, some boiling water, a pile of
serviettes, some washing up liquid and a small
brass brush he produced from his rucksack o’ wonders.
Over the course of the
next hour or two I witnessed Frank and Chris both remarking on the
amazing heat retention capabilities of the steel lumps they were
attempting to dismantle and clean up – time and again they’d
pick something up and then immediately put it down again and remark on
how much hotter they were than they’d expected….after bathing them in
boiling water…

Several people had a go
at the new Endo-san puzzle and I suspect that more than a couple
managed to complete it – although “someone” helpfully disassembled mine
so that I’d have the full joy of having to find
the right assembly. Thanks!

I'd taken along the goodies I'd recently acquired from Lee Krasnow - including a set of nested Pennyhedrons which we handed to Ed... who hadn't ever seen a Pennyhedron before. It didn't take him long to unravel the set and line them up in front of him before he proceeded to reassemble them all - although one wag did try removing one from the queue in the hopes of reintroducing it after he'd popped the last one together - he noticed, and it was duly replaced. Ed reckoned it was rather therapeutic unwrapping them all and then reassembling that set.
I'd also taken along a set of Cluster Buster variants that Lee'd printed... at one point I'd jokingly said it might be funny if they were reassembled incorrectly - only to discover some time later that that was what my friends had already helpfully done for me... notice things don't look quite right in there?

Rich kindly dismantled
my copy of Juno’s T-Slot burr, something that hadn’t been done yet… a
couple of the lads tried reassembly, but it turns out that’s rather a
lot harder so it ended up staying in bits.
Given that Ed had fared rather well on the enormous board burr earlier in the day, we decided he hsould have a bash at the man-sized disentanglement in the puzzle cave - Blind puzzler 1 - Massive disentanglement 0.
Given that Ed had fared rather well on the enormous board burr earlier in the day, we decided he hsould have a bash at the man-sized disentanglement in the puzzle cave - Blind puzzler 1 - Massive disentanglement 0.

…and as it turned out I
had one for him, and several others! I got a copy of Simon
Nightingale’s Slide-oku from Tom Lensch a while back and it’s been on my
pile of things to solve for a long time, so I challenged
the lads in the puzzle cave to solve it for me… and soon enough we had
Chris and Rich doing a lot of the heavy-lifting, Frank and
Louis the patient chipping in and me watching in amazement. It
took a good while, but they managed to deduce a fair amount, then called
on the help of an inter-web Sudoku solver, realised that wouldn’t quite
work and then fell back on the little grey
cells – remembering what sort of a puzzle this is! Late on Saturday
night there was a little cheer as they convinced themselves it had been
solved… quite impressive stuff… I have taken a pic of the solved state
and am sorely tempted to glue everything in
place now – it’s not a casual puzzle! (Thanks guys!)
Sometime around 11pm the stragglers decided they should probably head back to London / up north – and I crashed.
There was some more
puzzling with the patient the next day before I dropped him at the
airport where KLM whisked him back home again.
That’s number 36 then….
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