Sunday, 2 March 2025

Lewis Evans’ Gordian Knot

About a year ago Lewis asked if he could borrow my copy of Stickman’s Gordian Knot so I posted it down to him… a short while later it was back home again with Lewis saying he’d really enjoyed the solve and he’d done all the measuring and 3D modelling he needed to…. Given how quickly it returned, I was pretty sure that he’d been thoroughly scared off by the project. That was my first mistake.

A couple of months later there were a few more questions and the puzzle duly did another round trip to Lewis’ workshop – Lewis doesn’t scare easily, and in September he was ready to begin taking pre-orders and I wasn’t going to miss out on this one.

My copy arrived in mid-December and it looks brilliant… while the original is covered in a lattice of different coloured woods, Lewis’version is all in a single colour with a bunch of cast metal accents strategically placed about the faces. The single colour does a great job of hiding the connections between the pieces and makes the sides look far more similar and harder to differentiate. (I’m sure that wasn’t intentional!)

Finding the way in is tricky, there’s a lot to explore and only so much of it is actually useful… as I played with it memories of solving the original definitely provided some inspiration, but my memory turned out to be somewhat foggy and it ended up taking me a long time to get through to the reveal and what would have been the final step on the original… let’s just pause here for a moment and remind ourselves of just what an awesome reveal that is… you’re playing with an intricate box when all of a sardine you’re presented with something that makes sense of some stuff you’ve found earlier and you find yourself thinking “surely not?”… when indeed…

That bit of the solve literally blows everyone’s mind and it’s a wonderful thing to see the look in puzzlers’ eyes when they twig what’s about to happen… Lewis’ copy does that just as brilliantly…

But then there’s more….

Rather than being the rather wonderful end to the journey, Lewis provides just a pause, before the journey continues…!

I spent a very long time not making any progress at this stage – I was certain I knew what I wanted to happen – I just couldn’t get it to actually do anything… I tried a bunch of different things, some of them several times hoping for a different outcome (yes, yes…) and then last Sunday, I gave it to Ali partially solved and asked him to help me… and a short while later I saw him doing something I hadn’t – because, well, why would you? Except it was definitely having an impact, and a positive one at that…

Ali had it open soon after that and we examined the innards and it was very clear why what I was trying was never going to work and what Ali was clearly doing "wrong", was in fact exactly what was required…

Lewis has added a brilliant twist to the end of the original – the first part of the solution follows the original faithfully, and the last bit is just excellent.

Kudos to Lewis for taking on this project and making an already excellent puzzle even better, and then bringing a whole bunch of new copies into the community – the world definitely needs more than the original 28 Gordian Knots…

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Minima Smiley

If you’ve been reading my blog at all, you’ll have to have noticed that I’m a big fan of Frederic Boucher’s Minima series of puzzles. The tiny 2*2*3 form factor always feels approachable and necessarily requires a pretty small number of pieces. In spite of that they all provide a wonderfully unique solve experience… and a pretty decent challenge – to the extent that I have currently got a couple that have taken months of trying… one of them has remained unsolved for more than 6 months now… one of these days I’ll crack it!

Along the way, Pelikan offered Minima Smiley for sale and I probably would have bought a copy sight unseen, but seeing the cute little smiley faces they’ve individually handpainted is probably enough to make anyone pull the trigger and order a copy.

It’s faithful to the dinky form-factor and the good folks at Pelikan have produced a lovely-looking little puzzle, even before you manage to retrieve the little guy inside. There’s a pretty obvious bolt sticking out on one end and a couple of open panels where you might expect you could remove or manipulate the internals, and then there’s a little round window with a little yellow smiley face teasing you from inside. 

Frederic tells us this is his take on a mini sequential discovery puzzle and your aim is simply to remove the smiley fella.

Everyone’s probably going to start in the same place and then begin poking and prodding, and there is a little that can productively be done at this stage… but not a lot. Rather soon you’re going to find yourself thinking that things are all looking a little repetitive, and possibly even come to the conclusion that you’re going around in literal circles… and you may well be.

I thought I’d spotted some similarities to another puzzle I’d played with recently, but I couldn’t find a way to make that helpful… so I ignored that train of thought.

It took me a good while and a fair bit of Think(c) before I managed to stumble across something that provided a little more progress… heady with the success of said progress, I immediately found myself once more blocked at every turn. The progress felt so good, yet it seemed to merely tease at any potential further progress… more Think(c) required.

Some spatial visualisation and a little out of the box thinking provided the next breakthrough and then sure enough the little fella was duly perched on top of the box for a celebratory picture.

A good chunk of the reset sort of takes care of itself to the extent that you may well find yourself partially re-solving and resetting a few times.

Another delightful Minima puzzle from Frederic – it made me smile a few times along the solve – so you definitely achieved your goal of making this puzzler smile along the way! Nice one Frederic!!


Saturday, 1 February 2025

Tricklock T14

I was lucky to get hold of a copy of Rainer’s latest creation from my usual source back in October last year… and until last weekend, it had me thoroughly beaten.

This thing is a beast – not just because it weighs 1.7kg(!) – in puzzling terms, it’s an absolute brute – it will make you sweat for every little step of progress. And I sweated a lot…

Rainer’s a playful soul – sometime his locks come without keys, sometimes they come with keys, as this one does, only there’s no keyhole… which is an interesting way to start!

I spent several sessions across many days of poking and prodding at various features with literally nothing to show for it by way of progress – sure there is stuff you can fiddle with – and it’s quite a satisfying little fiddle – it just doesn’t seem to actually bring about any sort of change in state…

…so I persisted until I chanced upon something that actually did bring some change – I’d hesitate to call it progress at this stage – but a bit more experimentation provides some definite progress – to the point that I have more pieces than I started with – that’s got to be progress, right?! [Well, it might be, or I’ve managed to break something… but this is from Rainer, so I know it ain’t broke!]

From there progress is slow and anything but steady… a number of times I make literally zero progress for weeks on end – one particular stage of the solve (you’ll know “the one”) provides plenty of mirth from my mates on my weekly puzzle call  when I’m forced to report nil progress for about six week on the trot… and not because I haven’t tried – I’m pretty sure that I know what I’m trying to achieve, I just can’t make the magic happen…

…but oh boy, when it finally does, it is awesome – every bit of frustration instantly forgotten – I’m smitten! 

But still there’s more – it might feel like you’ve conquered Everest, but somehow Rainer’s given you yet another peak to climb – thankfully this one doesn’t take me nearly as long… and I can send a pic of my freed shackle to my mates and thank them for their encouragement along the way.

Rainer’s craftsmanship is second to none – the tolerances are phenomenal – there are several surprises along the way that you don’t see coming because those secrets are so beautifully hidden. If a lesser mortal had attempted something as audacious as this, they wouldn’t have a hope in heck of pulling it off – Rainer grins and says “Hold my beer.”

T14 will surprise the most jaded of puzzlers out there – definitely not a simple solve, but one that will leave you with a huge sense of satisfaction!

Friday, 24 January 2025

Sniper Scope Puzzle

From the grande old school of “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, Engineer Bruns brings us his Sniper Scope Puzzle. I can’t imagine what the appropriate response is to having your country invaded and your home city bombed by a daft tyrant, but Bruns’ decision to bring us first the Bomb Destroyer and then this puzzle, makes for a very fine two-finger salute to said tyrant… and it turns out, it brings massive amounts of joy to puzzlers around the world.

Andriy Bruns, you are the man sticking it to the man. More power to your arm, sir!

Right – back to the puzzle – as you’d expect from the name, this one does a pretty respectable imitation of an actual sniper scope, from the hooded eyepiece to the multiple adjustment knobs – and somehow they all conspire to create an excellent little puzzle.

At the start of this solve you’ll probably find that optically, this scope is pretty useless – one end appears to have a plastic lens cap, and the other is black as night. Find your way past those obstacles and you can begin to solve its secrets. I got lucky when I spotted something interesting on one end, but the other end took me a while to “unlock”.

Being able to see a little of the insides definitely helps, but from there you’re in for quite a series of experiments and discoveries to work out what’s possible and what interacts with what… I spent an absolute age getting quite frustrated that things weren’t working consistently until I finally realised that I’d misunderstood something vital and there was still more to be discovered – trust the designer / craftsman!

Find a way to successfully navigate all of the challenges and you’re presented with a tiny shell as a final reward.

Resetting the puzzle is definitely not a trivial affair and it will absolutely test whether you’ve really understood what you did to solve it in the first place… (Not really a) Spoiler Alert: I hadn’t and got well-humbled a second time! … and now I love it – it has been wonderfully precisely made and it does behave perfectly reliably once you’ve worked out all of its secrets.

Even if you aren’t captured by the story behind this puzzle’s creation, it will still enchant you! It is great!

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Free Me 9

Joseph Turner’s been producing excellent trapped coin puzzles for a while now… I’ve been lucky to have been gifted or acquired a couple of them so far, but I totally missed out on the first round of Free Me 9…

The sting was reduced a bit when I got to spend a little time with the copy in last year’s Design Competition, but I didn’t come close to solving it, and I realised I really wanted a copy, so I asked Joe nicely if he’d put me on a waiting list.

Just before Christmas Joe let me know my number was up and it duly arrived just before Christmas and disappeared under the Christmas tree… where it waited until we returned after Boxing Day and I got some time to play…

Free Me 9 is a nice slab of Cherry wood, I think – with a pair of dovetail ends and three generous holes displaying the two Kennedy half-dollars either side of Lady Liberty, providing the nickname “Two Guys and a Gal”. The clear aim is to release the three somewhat trapped coins.

There are a couple of interesting little holes that might yield some clues to the inner mechanism, if not to the means of manufacture. The coins are all readily accessible and they’ll spin on their axes quite happily, but they aren’t coming out for love nor money.

Finding the first (useful!) step is a lovely little “A-Ha!” moment – make a little progress and you’ll find yourself with some tools and your first coin… so far, so good.

Enter a little period of experimentation and finding new and creative ways for wielding those tools, and you’ll release your second coin – cue small celebration – in my case mainly because I’d now been able to replicate my progress in the Design Competition room…

I’d spent a while trying to make more progress and got to the point where I’d decided it was my bedtime and I had to give up on it… fast forward a few months and I now have my mitts on my own copy and it’s time for the puzzler’s revenge… only that sweet taste of victory turns out for be pretty darned elusive…

I end up spending quite a while over the course of several days before I finally manage to string the right sequence of “stuff” together to free that elusive lady.

Free Me 9 is epic… Joe’s really outdone himself on this one – there’s a lot to discover and he’s done an excellent job of giving you all of the tools you need - without you realising it! I love the fact that I was staring the final stages of the solution in the face for ages without realising what I needed to do.

Thanks for putting me on the list, Joe!

Saturday, 11 January 2025


Doog and Radek are at it again… this time their latest Demonticon is delivered safely trapped inside a cage, for our safety, presumably… and then the cage is neatly ensconced inside a handsome leather carrier.

From his backstory we suspect that Zodiac isn’t as malicious as his namesake, although his use of similar cryptograms that you’ll come across during the solve might suggest he’s not quite going to turn out to be the warm and cuddly type. The backstory invites us to negotiate four guards in order to release Zodiac from prison and then look deep into his soul to find out who he needs to see to get back on the right path.

Zodiac definitely looks the part of an evil mastermind with a devilish grin exposing a large gold false tooth... and a pair of mesmerising eyes inviting you in. The cage he’s trapped in turns out to be reasonably impenetrable – there’s some sort of locking mechanism in the base – but it won’t budge for love nor money… believe me, I tried both!

I ended up spending a heck of a long time trying to find a way into that little prison cell… I generated theories of what I wanted to do and then found myself totally unable to execute any of them, either because I couldn’t reach something I thought would be helpful, or because I didn’t have the right tool, or indeed because my theory turned out to be total rubbish!

After I’d been at it for a couple of days, Doog and Radek both reached out to me separately and asked me what I thought of Zodiac and I had to reply - somewhat embarrassed - that I had yet to even get Zodiac out of jail… I suspect the lads enjoyed hearing that.  :-)

Three days after I’d started, I investigated something I’d been largely ignoring up to that point and a whole new world opened up to me… all of a sudden I was actually able to do some physical puzzling and after a fair amount of scrabbling around I managed to finally free Zodiac on day three – insert own derogatory comment here – I deserve it!

With Zodiac out of the cell I really enjoyed the next few phases of puzzling – there’s a wonderful familiarity in a couple of the aspects of the solve and then there are several totally original little bits… there’s a great progression as you work through the solve and you can sense Doog peering over your shoulder and getting a kick out of every time you find yourself getting stopped in your tracks.

There’s a really brilliant part of the solution where something behaves in a somewhat bewildering fashion, until you completely solve that particular element and you can see what was going on –it’s all wonderfully elegant in its implementation, but thoroughly baffling until you realise what’s going on in there…

If you’re anything like me you’ll need to be reminded that your goal was to find who Zodiac needed to see to get him back on the right path – you might easily overlook that part of the challenge and in so doing rob yourself of a couple of extra layers on this veritable onion of a puzzle.

That last bit combines several elements rather neatly to add a fun additional challenge. Don’t forget about it!

Zodiac is definitely a great addition to the family – the prison added a significant extra degree of puzzling for me – and the extra challenge at the end ties everything together rather nicely. The meat of the Demonticon puzzle itself is great fun and discovering the bits and pieces and little easter eggs inside Zodiac’s head is a treat.

I loved it, even if I was well-embarrassed by how long it took me to release Zodiac from jail!

Bring on the next one, guys!!

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Fáfnir’s Fortress

Having recently really enjoyed Chained Key from Luke Waier, I was intrigued to spot an impending offering from Luke in the form of a little castle…

I signed up for the pre-order and it arrived just before Christmas, so in classic Walker-style it went under the Christmas tree and I got to open it a few days after Christmas when we got back home…

…and I wasn’t that surprised when I saw folks nominating it as one of their Best Finds of 2024 at our annual EPP gathering – it’s pretty darn good!

Luke’s given this puzzle a lovely backstory rooted in Norse mythology and invites you to “Find the Sword of Sigurd, slay (remove) the dragon Fáfnir and reclaim the stolen treasure. But beware of Fáfnir’s tricks…” – you know that you’re dealing with a sequential discovery puzzle (Luke has form on those!) and the objective makes it sound like it’s going to be quite a journey…

And it is!

First thing you’re going to notice about the fortress is that it’s heavier than you’re imagining it to be… it has a solid heft to it and nothing ever feels delicate, as some 3D printed bits can sometimes be… he’s chosen a nice matte filament and he hasn’t been stingy with his infill settings – oh, and there’s probably quite a lot of hardware inside there as well… and something that rattles…

Starting the solve there are a couple of little windows that tease views of something shiny inside – there are a few screws in the base, but alas none of them merely finger tight, and one or two other potentially interesting things...

Start solving proper and you’re straight into tool-finding territory – and if you’re lucky you might recognise potential uses for some of those tools, but trust me when I say this, you’re definitely going to have to get very creative to find a way forward – several times on this solve I found myself examining the tools at my disposal and imagining what I could possibly want to do next, and coming up blank… this one is going to challenge you to review all of your assumptions, and really test the heck out of them! I guarantee you’re going to find some of them don’t hold water!

At one point you might well be tempted to think that you’re finished – at that point I would suggest you shake the fortress from side to side and if there’s still something knocking about inside there, I’d suggest asking yourself why that might be… and then get back to solving!

When you are finished, you will know! ;-)

Luke has crammed an incredible amount of puzzling into a very small package and taught us to use some tools in a totally new way – not many puzzles still manage to do that today and Luke’s definitely done that in spades with Fáfnir’s Fortress.

Sadly this was a limited run of 100 copies and they’re all sold, so if you want to play with one, you’re going to have to borrow one from a mate, grab one from an auction site or toddle along to a nearby puzzle party and play with one there – either way, you’ll thank me!

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Solution to the Christmas 2024 Puzzle

Yikes – I guess I made that one too hard! I got a grand total of two correct entries… the first one a little over an hour after the puzzle was posted, and the next one a few hours later… Mike showed some workings (with some traces of a few correct answers, and Brett showed me a picture of his workstation with one of the answers below his monitor… but neither submitted an answer).

... so what’s the answer then?

First off, you needed to solve the clues to some well-known(?) puzzles, so let’s do that…

Brian's tardis (2! Or 4! Or 9! For that matter…)

Telephone Box

Chambers, Rossetti & Stevens did this one (2!)


Dic's perforated pod

Holey Box Packing Puzzle

Diniar's clear box with red and blue bits inside it…

Sliding Tetris

Enright's second homage to a coin operated battle

Ms. Pack-Man

Frank's STPB (3!)

Simple Three Piece Burr

Gain's  attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one… (9!)


Hunter's steel orb of wonder

Venn Puzzle

Iwahiro's uneven one (2! Or 3!)

ODD Puzzle

Jerry's hanky (7!)


Kosticks' bevelled (dimpled) box

Chamfered Cube

Markus' preposterous pachyderm prom (3!)

Crazy Elephant Dance

Miyamoto-san's whimsical strolling beetle

Walk of Ladybug

Robrecht's crypto conundrum (7!)

Bitcoin Maze

Stickman #18

Sphere Puzzlebox

The one BY made in PNGR where GPK went one better than BC

Ternary Burr

The one where GPK invites you to place bindings in a box (5!)


Toulouzas' terrific table (5!)

Xenia Table Puzzlebox

Vesa's most murderous mirror mystery (IMHO) (10!)


Volker does one for the little people

Euklid for Kids

What happens when Brian puts Piet's classic inside a diagonal burr (2!)


Some of those would probably have just been obvious or easy to look up (13 and 16 respectively) and some may have required a bit more work (11?)…

OK so what were those numbers in brackets on some of the clues? – Well usually they’d clue the length of a crossword answer, but these have an exclamation mark, and some of the clues don’t have a number at all so this must be something else… now if you’ve solved the first clue, there’s a big clue to the numbers: did you spot that the 2nd, 4th and 9th characters of the answer are all e’s… so extract those letters… and for the clues without a number, take the obvious one: the first letter of the answer.

…that gives you a string of letters that doesn’t appear very useful…

Now you might have noticed that the clues are listed in alphabetical order – something I did deliberately to throw you off – so how do you sensibly unscramble the letters?

Notice the italics in the flavour text? Referring to a conundrum competition – turns out there’s a rather well-known one each year, and it turns out that every one of these puzzles has been entered in the Nob Yoshigahara Puzzle Design Competition – you might have spotted that in your research to find some of the answers, I guess… each puzzle can only be entered once, so there’ll be a unique year for each puzzle, and that gives you the ordering:



Walk of Ladybug

Miyamoto-san's whimsical strolling beetle



Holey Box Packing Puzzle

Dic's perforated pod




Chambers, Rossetti & Stevens did this one (2!)




What happens when Brian puts Piet's classic inside a diagonal burr (2!)



Crazy Elephant Dance

Markus' preposterous pachyderm prom (3!)



Simple Three Piece Burr

Frank's STPB (3!)



Telephone Box

Brian's Tardis (2! Or 4! Or 9! For that matter…)



ODD Puzzle

Iwahiro's uneven one (2! Or 3!)



Sphere Puzzlebox

Stickman #18



Ternary Burr

The one BY made in PNGR where GPK went one better than BC




Gain's attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one… (9!)



Chamfered Cube

Kosticks' bevelled (dimpled) box




Vesa's most murderous mirror mystery (IMHO) (10!)



Ms. Pack-Man

Enright's second homage to a coin operated battle



Xenia Table Puzzlebox

Toulouzas' terrific table (5!)




…the one where GPK invites you to place bindings in a box (5!)



Sliding Tetris

Diniar's clear box with red and blue bits inside it…




Jerry's hanky (7!)



Venn Puzzle

Hunter's steel orb of wonder



Euklid for Kids

Volker does one for the little people



Bitcoin Maze

Robrecht's crypto conundrum (7!)

…now the extracted letters give you WHO NAMED STICKMAN SEVEN – and a bit more Googling (or a visit to will confirm that Nick Baxter named Stickman Puzzlebox #7 the Beast Box.

Thanks a stack to Nick for test solving it for me (well, I couldn’t let him play, could I!) and congratulations to Brendan Perez for sending me the following limerick an hour and eleven minutes after it went up:

To solve Walker's puzzle in rhyme

I've solved his questions taken in lines

You sort by the year

In which they appear

Nick Baxter's the answer this time.


Kudos too to Bill and Scarlet who’s haiku arrived a few hours later:

Puzzle pieces dance

Nick Baxter sees the chaos

Stickman builds the beast


I’ll be sending off something puzzling to you guys in due course (as soon as I’ve procured something!)

Next year I’ll make it easier… maybe. :-)