I met Peter Wiltshire for the first time in the bar of the
hotel on the Wednesday evening at IPP32. I’d ‘seen’ him on the Renegades forum as
Arc Light where we’d swapped the odd comment about puzzles and puzzling, but
this was the first time we’d talked, and within minutes of being introduced to
him, he’d given me a copy of Hidekuni Tamura’s Sway Cube that he’d made in
maple and walnut.
He explained that at his first IPP, Ginda, one of the IPP
veterans had given him a copy of her exchange puzzle because it was Peter’s
first IPP, as a way to welcome him to IPP and in the hope that he might continue
the tradition of giving first timers a copy of your exchange puzzle ... now
even though Peter wasn’t actually exchanging his own puzzles this year, he’d
made up a few copies of the Sway Cube and was presenting them to some of us
newcomers ... gosh!
I sat and fiddled with it this way and that and didn’t get
very far at all ... at one stage I voiced a theory that the rattling inside was
just there to put me off and Peter just smiled ... I finally managed to open it
later that evening in the hotel room – and I was wrong – dead wrong.
Thanks Peter, it’s a tremendous little puzzle that has been
excellently made – the tolerances are spot-on and they leave absolutely no clue
as to how it’s going to open. Thanks for continuing the tradition and while I
almost certainly won’t be able to craft something like that myself, I shall
definitely continue the tradition. :-)
Stephen Chin, or Chinnomotto, is another Renegade I’d been
looking forward to meeting at IPP. Chinny is a dentist form Australia known for
his awesome lathe-working skills and wicked sense of humour. He’s been making
off-beat puzzles for years, often cannibalising the electronic bits from
musical greeting cards to add a little surprise to his puzzles. This year’s
entry in the Design Competition was a little mouse house that nipped your
finger when you did the obvious and then you had to listen to the mouse inside
the house laughing at you! :-) Classic Chinny!
One evening in the competition room Chinny gave me his last
mini wobbly top ... he’d been writing about creating these little beauties on
the forum and everything I’ve read about them talks about the (literal!)
dangers in producing them – after all you have to deliberately put the wood off
centre in the lathe and then work the spinning projectile-to-be while it’s
trying to free itself from the chuck – that takes a special sort of nutter!
Step up to the plate master Chin!
The detail on this little top is astounding: three off-centre
spindles supporting three lop-sided and off-centred plates, culminating in the
little Chinny trademark whistle in the top, complete with decorative chattering
around the base and on the delicate little reversible stand. Spin it and look at
it from the side and it looks like a blur, with what looks like a pair of spindles
while the whole thing gently wobbles around. Totally unique – entirely Chinny. Thanks
I met Ginda Fisher (the one that Peter blamed for that tradition above! :-) ) while Nick Baxter was sorting out how to
get the Design Competition entries back to their respective creators. I’d read
somewhere that she was also an actuary, so we chatted a little about our
respective lines of work. Later that evening after the Awards Banquet she came
over and presented me with a copy of her IPP29 exchange puzzle, Trickier
This lovely puzzle was made by
Kathleen Malcolmson in mahogany (I think!) and it consists of a pair in
interleaved squares, with each side being a separate piece of wood.
The series
of notches as the various crossings and intersections are designed so that
there’s one way to assemble this trivet properly ... and I can attest to the
fact that there are a lot of ways of almost assembling it – getting seven
pieces assembled only to find that the last piece is the wrong shape... and
even when you do find an assembly that should work for the last piece, sod’s
law says that you can’t finesse that final piece into place, so you need to
chase the pieces around the circle one at a time until you get to the one piece
that you can insert at the very end ... it’s a really cute puzzle, and as Ginda
pointed out, you can actually use it as a trivet in the kitchen!
Thanks Ginda, but I’m afraid this
one’s going nowhere near the kitchen! :-)
I also met Brian Young, aka Mr Puzzle at IPP32 for the first time, we’d chatted a bit in the Competition Room
and I’d given him one of Louis’ impossible cards, then at the Founder’s
reception he came barrelling across and proceeded to shower me with puzzles,
including a wonderfully simple, irritatingly hard Stewart Coffin design. It consists
of three identical hex sticks (OK one has a Mr Puzzle brand on it, but the
shapes and holes are identical!) and three dowels ... even though they come
with no instructions, you inherently know that you’re supposed to build a
structure that has the dowels through the holes in the hex sticks and you’ll
know when you’ve found it!
NOT a solution! |
I spent ages experimenting and getting nowhere fast – the one structure I had managed wasn’t at all satisfactory and I knew it couldn’t be the answer, and it was only when one of the better puzzlers at MPP had a crack at it and came up with a far more pleasing structure that I was pretty sure that was the right answer ... when I got in touch with Sue, she told me that is was Stewart Coffin’s design 81A, a variant of the Nest Construction set #81 ... and that the description was: “As simple as it gets. 3 sticks and 3 dowels. Go
together one way, or two stick and two dowels another way. A few made around
1988.” So not only had I not been able to find the main solution, I’d totally
missed the fact that there’s a construction for 2+2 as well – and it’s just as
Sue also mentioned that Brian had
knocked them together from the off cuts from his other recent hex stick creations
over here
– fantastic use of the off cuts, Brian!