[This post contain some spoilers – so if you think you’re
likely to come across one of these in the near future (consider yourself damn lucky! But), don’t read this blog
post… you’ve been warned – don’t complain!]
What’s the appropriate reaction when a dodgy-looking Aussie
invites you up to his hotel room to look at some puzzles?
Simple – make sure you have your wallet and don’t lose him
on the way…
…and that’s how I became the rather chuffed owner of a copy
of Ze Orange by Lathe-Master-Chinny. (Sounds a bit like an 80’s rap artist!)
It’s about the right size and shape for a decent-sized
orange and genuinely looks the part – with an orangey pitted skin and a silvery
stalk on top. The lathe work on the outside of this thing is deeply impressive –
the chattering is perfectly executed and beautifully matched, and how the heck
he’s got the grain to line up across what I’m pretty sure are separate two
parts, I’ll never know!
There’s an interesting feature on the bottom – where there’s
a panel with a slot across it…but no apparent way to open that, yet…
The description on the Design Competition web site
says that Ze Orange was inspired by the Donay Pear produced by Goddard & Berkeley
… and if you’re familiar with their stuff, you’ll be expecting lots of screw
threads, pretty serious turning and probably a coin somewhere along the way to
use in that slot…
Right, so let’s get started – first off, surely that silver
stalk comes off? Indeedy! Unscrew it and off it comes… then what?
Here some careful inspection will nudge you in the right
direction, but there are a couple of things that are out to stop you
progressing – one’s a classic and the other is classic Chinny. I’ll leave you
to decide which is which…
Open Ze Orange and you find you have two halves, each with
something interesting inside it… one half has another of those slots (but still
no coin!) and the other has what looks like a little round pill box, wooden of
course, with a pimple on top of it.
Decide which of these two you’d like to tackle first –
actually, there’s only really one choice and have at it… playing detective will
show you something interesting and perhaps a use for a tool you have already
discovered – use that and you’ll find the little pill box being released from
its half of Ze Orange…
Well done! You’ve discovered a little puzzle box… which you
now need to open in order to find another rather useful little thingy, although
depending on who put it back together for you, that might not be a trivial
You should recognise your new find as a useful tool and use
it in the obvious place – which yields more intrigue than it does enlightenment,
frankly… but there you go. Perhaps there's something else to be done?
Indeed there is and that leads you to what looks like
another little puzzle box – except the very thing you want to do to open it up
seems to be absolutely flipping impossible – so you need to Think©!
Find how to open the last little box and you’re greeted by
some wonderfully irritating electronic muzak … the other of Chinny’s great
It’s a wonderfully fun puzzle – a serious sequential
discovery puzzle shaped like a fruit – some serious lathe skills on show – six
locking mechanisms - two built-in puzzle boxes – and funky muzak to boot! It
has to be from Chinnomotto.
One of my awesome finds in Ottawa this year…
[Yes, I didn't really tell you everything, there's some other clever little things in there that will hopefully trip you up even though you've read all this! Some of them won't even be clear from the next pic either, he's a crafty guy is Chinny!]
...the innards plus a few random objects... |