The first time I came across one of these was when I visited
Wil Strijbos before last year’s Dutch Cube Day. Wil had placed a bunch of
puzzles on his coffee table for Louis and I to have a bash at, and both of us
had an unsuccessful attempt at solving it … and it made quite an impact on me.
Such a seemingly simple and honest puzzle where the obvious things just don’t
work because the holes are just in the wrong place and the tools just don’t
quite fit where you want them to…
The next day Louis and I spent a while in a pub describing
it to Nigel who’d just arrived from the UK – and I still have my drawing of the
puzzle on the back of a beermat where we tried to tell Nigel what we’d tried in
the hope of him pointing out something obvious that we’d missed … he didn’t.
Several months later when we visited James Dalgety’s Puzzle
Museum, I asked James if he had a copy of it and one was duly produced and
Louis and I both managed to solve it, noticing that something we’d both tried
on Wil’s copy seemed to work on James’ copy when Wil’s had resolutely resisted…
Flash forward a few more months and I’m chatting to Wil on a
bus on the way to one of the IPP32 tours and he mentions that Gary Foshee has
made a small run of Open Locks and he may have some for sale – immediate
response “Yes please!”, and a little while later “How much, by the way?”. A few weeks after that one of Wil’s
newsletters did the rounds and he’d included the Open Lock in there … and from
Wil’s account, they were all gone in a matter of minutes!
Having had so much challenge and fun from other people’s
copies of this puzzle, I had to add it to my collection as well, so I was really
happy to have been one of the folks who managed to secure one from Wil.

From there the puzzle takes you on a little voyage of
discovery providing tools and little discoveries along the way … and I really
enjoyed at one point thinking to myself “Gosh, I wish I had a ….” only to
discover one rather neatly hidden a step or two later.
Open Lock is a really excellent puzzle that hides some
wonderful little discoveries in what appears at the beginning to be a very
simple, honest-looking puzzle. I for one am very pleased that Gary decided to
make another short run of these puzzles and that I managed to snaffle one from
Wil before they were all spoken for.
It’s an instant favourite!
Shucks! I missed it when Wil emailed about it...wrong timing
ReplyDeleteMe too... What a pity. Brought another of his design - the Lunatic Lock a few months ago from Puzzle Master and throughly enjoyed it. Hope Gary would have more of these coming.