First up is Peter Wiltshire’s
2014 Nob Yoshigahara Design Competition entry called the Golden Ratio Box.
I first met Peter and his lovely
wife Lesley in a bar in Washington DC (OK, so it was the lobby bar at the IPP
hotel before you go assuming anything…). I’d ‘met’ him in the virtual sense
through the Renegades forum before then, and within a few minutes of meeting
him, he’d given me a copy of the Sway Cube that he’d made to dish out to
first-time IPP-attendees. Now Sway Cube is reasonably uncomplicated in a
mechanical sense, but it relies on accuracy and a good fit for it to be
puzzling … and Peter’s craftsmanship and tolerances are pretty spectacular, so
it was a lovely little challenge.
That year he’d entered his
Ferris’ Box in the Design Competition where it won a Jury First Prize Award –
the ideas behind the mechanism are really unusual and surprising and once
again, the execution was exceptional, making it a wonderful puzzle to play with
…when he made a few extras and then sold a few of them I made sure I didn’t miss out.

As you might expect, the Golden
Ration Box’s dimensions all satisfy the Golden Ratio … in fact there are a
number of subsidiary dimensions in the features that satisfy the ratio as
well…and while that may have been important to Archimedes and his mates many
centuries ago, I’ll be honest and say that it’s the craftsmanship and the woods
that makes this such a beautiful object for me rather than (just) the ratio of
the dimensions. Peter’s used Roasted Birdseye Maple for the main panels and it
is simply stunning. Birdseye Maple is pretty nice to start out with, but the
roasting makes the colours and the figuring significantly deeper and even more
beautiful – I’ve never seen this wood before, but I’d be hard-pressed to think
of a better looking one now.
OK, OK, so it’s good-looking –
tell us about the puzzle!
I spent quite a long time trying
to find the first “move” – while I was looking for it, I found some promising
signs of what might happen later… but the first move evaded me for a long time…
and when I finally started to think along the right lines, I needed a bit of
encouragement from Peter to actually execute it. It is a very unusual way to
start opening a puzzle box and the tolerances between the various bits mean
that you have to get it spot-on before it’ll yield.

Once again the fit between the
bits that move is simply sublime … the only clues I managed to spot along the
way turned out to be the very last pieces to move, and I thought they’d be
moving in a different direction!
Peter’s craftsmanship on the
Golden Ratio Box is pretty special – it’s hard to believe this is just a hobby
for him, but it’s pretty easy to see why it earned him a Top Ten Votes Award in
this year’s design competition – it’s a pretty special creation … thanks Peter,
I absolutely love it!
Next up is Reversal of Fortune
designed and crafted by Jeff Aurand – host of the annual Rochester Puzzle Picnic held just after IPP each year. Now the RPPs make our MPPs look tame by
comparison – they may only happen once a year, but they seem to start on the
Friday evening and last until Sunday and I heard rumours that a number of folks
would be camping in Jeff’s backyard this year, prompting talk of changing it
from RPP to Puzzle-stock.
Jeff was one of the contributors
to the Apothecary Chest Project
– an amazingly ambitious project that saw twelve people each contributing a
puzzle box in the shape of a drawer that Robert Yarger
then built into a fantastically complicated mechanical contraption that made up
the chest itself. The project literally took years to complete but the end
results are quite spectacular … with two extra copies of the Chest going for
more than $10,000 apiece on Baxterweb. [BTW Peter’s Ferris’ Box was his
contribution to the Apothecary Chest…]

The box’s name alludes to a
couple of sections in the solution – the final one being a lovely little piece
of theatre in your hands – wonderfully unexpected!
The first move or two make it
seem like a reasonably standard puzzle box, albeit one of them feels little different and has a touch of a
metallic feel to it… a few steps in and you find yourself needing to change direction
(the first reversal). A few more moves and things start looking very
unconventional, and when you open the box you know you’re not in Kansas
any more! The final reveal is a wonderful surprise and caps off the series of
reversals beautifully.
It’s lovely to play with a box
that offers real surprises along the way - this one does that and puts a smile
on your face that’ll last for a while. It’s a unique mechanism that’s been
beautifully executed and dressed in a superb-looking box. Terrific work Jeff – it’s
definitely something to be massively proud of and worthy of its place in the
Apothecary chest. Thank you…
Hello Allard
ReplyDeleteI think I have to invite such nice guests next time to my house
Have fun with the fantastic pieces you got
I suspect you get visited by quite a lot of wonderful puzzlers already, Bernhard! :-) Thanks I AM enjoying them a lot.