I won’t start with excuses this
time…although I suspect I owe an explanation for the relative dearth of blog
posts recently… (I blame The Book!)
James Dalgety has a bit of a
tradition of hosting a puzzle gathering over the Easter weekend each year, so on
Easter Saturday I found myself heading down the M5 to deepest darkest Devon for
a day of puzzling and banter with puzzling mates. The roads were rather quiet
so I found myself driving the last few miles at a rather sedate pace so that I
wouldn’t arrive before the official start. As it was, I was one of the first to
arrive so I took out some new toys for everyone to play with and settled down
to a cup of coffee and a quick catch up with James.
It didn’t take long for a bunch
of puzzlers to turn up and pretty soon everyone was puzzling, either directly
or indirectly. [indirect puzzling:
The gentle art of kibitzing and offering helpful suggestions (typically “Have
you tried spinning it?”) to those puzzling nearby.]
Steve (M) had brought along a
puzzle specially designed for the day – James’ invitation had suggested
bringing things along that were puzzling, or flew or would blow up… so Steve
brought us a sequential discovery puzzle resembling a small keg of gunpowder
that he’d knocked up especially for the day. A couple of us had a squizz at it
and quickly found a few bits that we could remove… so we removed some rivets
and a brass strap discovering a little hex key along the way. The hex key
enabled us to remove a screw in the top of the barrel, which in turn helped us
to liberate an aluminium rod with a few matches in it... do you know where this
is going yet?
Removing the second copper band
revealed some odd looking string and a striker plate for the matches… at which
point Steve suggests we grab our cameras and head outdoors…fuse in the top of
the barrel, light the fuse and stand back – we nominated Big Steve for that bit
and I made sure I was further back than Steve (M)’s camera… fuse ignites small
amount of gunpowder in the barrel that blows the lid off with a rather satisfying
POP! Cue many cheers and recovery of a congratulatory note inside the barrel…
Steve (M) then promptly resets it for the next victim puzzler… Great fun
and a bit out of the ordinary for those of us who don’t play with things that
go bang on a daily basis – thanks Steve! [Steve has put up a write-up and some
video of the “solve” on his website – over here.]

At one point James noticed I
didn’t have a puzzle in my paws and dived into one of his drawers of treasure
and produced a little puzzle from Lee Krasnow called Sequential Star – ignoring
the name at first, my initial thoughts were that this was simply a standard
diagonal burr made to Lee’s somewhat exacting standards… except it didn’t quite
start coming apart as I had expected it should, and when I did manage to get
some movement on one of the piece I spotted a routed track in one of the
pieces… this thing’s different!
I then spent absolute ages
playing with the binary mechanism and taking it almost apart and then putting
it back together again… an absolute joy to play with – and a pretty rare treat
given I think there were only ten copies made.
Lindsey provided a wonderful
lunch yet again – providing a brief period of silence in the Dalgety house
while the assembled puzzlers refuelled.
The afternoon saw a Berrocal
race of sorts with Adin and Stephen disassembling a statue each, mixing up the
bits and then having to reassemble the other’s statue… it’s one way to give
them a bit of a polish.
Frank had brought along a copy
of Cofanetto that Rox had picked up on an auction in the UK and I suspect the
sight of two copies of Cofanetto next to one another is a pretty rare thing
these days…
He'd also brought along a couple of his own new finds, including a pair of rather rare Journet jigsaw puzzles... which I got conned into assembling so that James could get a photo of it. It took me a little while because some of the pieces don't exactly go where you'd expect them to go...
At one point Gerard was given an
old stationery box of sorts to play with… as usual, all was not what it seemed
and pretty soon he and Steve (M) were pushing and prodding and finding all
manner of hidden compartments secreted around the rather unassuming-looking
Several people had brought along
their spare puzzles for others to barter or buy and I ended up picking up a few
copies of Kevin Holmes’ puzzles from Frank and a number of books from James’
shelves of duplicates – including a number of first editions of a few old
puzzle texts that I’d only had in rather tatty paperback copies until then.
When I headed back up the road
at about 7:30 there was still a large contingent of puzzlers furiously puzzling
– from some of the stories of folks stopping for a kip on the way home, I
suspect that some left considerably later than I did… another fantastic day’s
puzzling at James’.
It was a great day and always a thrill to visit Puzzle Heaven. Thanks for hosting James, for the lift Tim and for the write up Allard!