MPP XXiii!
Gill left early on the Saturday morning to attend a workshop
a friend was running in Alcester, leaving me to ready the house for the
impending arrivals.

Apart form his usual mathematical challenges, Dick had carefully prepared a number of new puzzles to dish
out to everyone – after last year’s Four Keys puzzle (which I’d done 90% of
and needed Dick to restore the final key for me!) he brought us the Five Keys
puzzle – consisting of – you guessed it – 5 differently shaped keys trapped on
a trapeze – so far I’ve looked at it, confirmed that all five keys are
currently attached and taken a pic of the solved state… and sometime in the
next few days I shall embarrass myself by attempting to remove and replace the
keys… it only took me the best part of a year last time… Thank you, Dick!
Shane had brought along a couple of prototype lock puzzles
that several of us had a go at – and without exception, we were encouraging him to
manufacture them and inflict them on a wider audience.
Oli presented everyone with a 2 pence version of the obloid wobbler and they were duly rolled around to much amusement... cheers Oli!
Oli presented everyone with a 2 pence version of the obloid wobbler and they were duly rolled around to much amusement... cheers Oli!
Big Steve had brought along copies of a Wimbledon-themed
Coffin-like 3D-printed puzzle for everyone – a lovely idea and rather generous
of him… I didn’t get a chance to play with it until the following day and it’s
a great variation on a theme that makes for a really interesting little puzzle:
six identically-shaped pieces in three colours fit together to make a neat
little rhombic dodecahedron – Thanks Steve!
James had brought along a couple of challenges for us all: a
copy of the World’s Fair Prize Puzzle from 1891 confounded everyone, as it had
done at our last PMPP, but several folks had a lot more success tackling his
yoghurt pot challenge to assemble 6 pots into a three dimensional cross shape
in such a way that it holds together of its own accord. I saw several complete structures
and also witnessed a number of sheepish looks when a passer-by picked up one
that someone else had assembled, only to have it fall apart in their hands… some
of the advanced challenges with smaller pots and other sorts of plastic lids didn’t
meet with as much success, so we decided they were probably impossible!
Lunch consisted of several pizzas, a couple of quiches and
even some salad – can you tell that Gill had organised the food and not me? Oh,
and the ice cream and choccy sauce went down quite well afterwards.

A couple of copies of Wil’s new Pachinko box were in
evidence and a few guys who hadn’t bought one managed to have a go at solving
them… and I think that Oli managed to get all the way through it – well done
that man!

Simon entertained us with a set of rebuses (rebii!) that his
daughter had created and several times you’d see a flash of recognition when
someone was sounding out various words and suddenly they would join together to
form the title of a well-know movie… good fun and rather well designed, and drawn, by
I did learn one very important lesson that day: NEVER.
EVER. Tell puzzlers that a particular disentanglement requires a little force!
I’d left out an intertwined pair of C’s and mentioned that
they were a bit stiff so a little force might be required… seems that form then on, anything
was fair game and the resulting entanglement wasn’t untangled for the rest of
the day… in fact it took Louis and I about half an hour, WITH A VICE, the
following morning to encourage the unnaturally joined pieces apart … then we
spent a little while tuning the pieces so that excess force would never again
be required… probably serves me right for not doing that before they all
Another brilliant day's puzzling with good friends...
BTW did anyone, by any chance, end up with an extra copy of Dick's new book inscribed to me - I can't find it anywhere...
BTW did anyone, by any chance, end up with an extra copy of Dick's new book inscribed to me - I can't find it anywhere...