There’s usually a wonderfully disparate bunch roaming the
grounds during the course of the day, from mathematicians to puzzlers to
jugglers – and even the (very!) odd magician.

I’d taken my copy of Jane Kostick’s delightful little
packing puzzle that I’ve written about before and managed to entice Duncan into
having another bash at it… along with one or two others – although sadly I don’t
think anyone managed to find the incredibly satisfying elegant solution that puts
twelve oddly shaped (identical) sticks and a cube inside the cubic interior of
the triacontahedron box… pity!
I also managed to taunt one or two folks with my copy of
Jane's “Phive” puzzle – I’ll never tire of seeing people’s faces when you show
them the completed puzzle and then tip the pieces out into their hands – the pieces
are really not what you expect them to be and sadly nobody conquered that one
either during the course of the day…
As usual James and Lindsey had put on a fabulous spread for
lunch – one of very few things that will draw a puzzler away from the puzzle
room, let me tell you.

I’d also taken along my copy of Johan Heyns appropriately
named 4L Co-Mo DD (because it’s a 4-layered co-ordinate motion puzzle, with
double difficulty – and he’s not kidding!) – it looks brilliant on its stand
and folks couldn’t resist playing around with it – of course once it comes
apart, it’s an absolute sod to get back together again because there are two
sets of rings to align perfectly between the three pieces, on both sides – or nothing
goes together… strangely nobody managed to reassemble it all day!
A while later James brought out his
second-most-dangerous-kids-toy-in-the-world (second only to the chemistry set with
actual uranium in it! And no, we didn’t play with that.) – the Austin Magic
Pistol. The instructions for the pistol were duly read out for the assembled masses
– with James interpreting along the way – place some magic crystals into the
chamber was broadly translated to shovel in some calcium carbide – introduce a
drop or two of water – yeah, we’re not going to stick to just a drop, are we?
Screw the cap on the chamber, place a ping pong ball in the barrel, wait a few
seconds and then pull the trigger – ball fires out with a pop… because the calcium carbide reacts with the water
to produce acetylene gas (the stuff they weld with!), which the
trigger mechanism ignites – what could go wrong?!
Big Steve was teed up to fire
the monster and had us in stitches as he got progressively more and more
adventurous with his attempts to fire the thing. At first there were pleasant
pops with the balls flying several metres – until we eventually had loud bangs
and flames coming out of the barrel – and it will take a long time to forget
the sight of Steve peering down the barrel with flames coming out of it and
then calmly blowing the fire out, while the chemical reaction was clearly
still going on inside the chamber… Steve, you’re a nutter!

After the excitement with the pop gun,
Laurie entertained us all with a short magic show that had most of us
thoroughly flummoxed. All was well out on the veranda watching the magic show
until the heavens opened and we had to high-tail it indoors to avoid getting
soaked! Thanks Laurie!

Several folks had brought along freebies to
hand out to the other attendees and during the week that followed I had a great
time folding up a few playing cards to assemble one of Tim Rowett’s Sunken Cube
Octahedrons – just four cards with few folds on each – and a little bit of
fiddling to get them all properly interlocked – great therapy for the hands and

Gerard and few others had a grand old time
working their way through James' “Birthday Cabinet” trying to find all of the
hidden compartments scattered around this seemingly innocent looking cabinet…
Somewhere around 7pm I decided I should probably
head northwards and spent the next fifteen or twenty minutes saying good bye to
everyone… before I loaded up the car and played my own little game of solo Rush
Hour to get my car turned around and headed back up the track… except it had
rained quite a bit after Laurie’s rain dance and I had a merry old time trying
to do a three-point turn on James’ wonderfully steep track – until I relented
and turned around inside his yard at the bottom of the hill… the rest of the
drive home was pretty uneventful… :-)
A brilliant end to a rubbish week – all thanks
to James and Lindsey for hosting us, and the rest of the gang for the usual
wonderful camaraderie and banter…
Yep, it was a great day and thanks James and Lindsey for hosting and Tim for the lift. Well done to Shane for doing more than the lion's share of solving with the birthday box - particularly as time was tight. A great day!