...the Sunday before

...until I find myself wide awake at 3:30am, and unable
to go back to sleep, so I get up and fold up 100 exchange puzzle boxes that
I’ve carried over flat-packed... then I crash again.
Neil ran us around to the T-Mobile shop to pick up
some US SIMs... which it turns out works well for my phone, but not for the old
iPhone we’ve brought along for Gill...so Neil takes us to Best Buy to buy a
burner - yup we’ve gone all gangsta!
We head across to Coronado Island for a lovely walk
on the beach so that Gill could dip her feet in the Pacific (tick) before
having drinks out on the patio at the lovely Hotel del Coronado - it is
gorgeous and we make sure we wander past and admire the stunning original
mahogany bar counter still running the length of the main bar.

Work starts in the morning...
I grab us some snacks from the lobby shop for
breakfast - mental note: that doesn’t really work for me. After breakfast the
girls meet up to go to the Gaslamp District while Nick, Saul, Neil and I head out to pick up a
U-Haul van to collect all of the puzzles and sundries that have been posted to
Peter Grabarchuk ahead of IPP38. Nick appears to get himself a bit
lost arriving just after us even though he cruised effortlessly past Neil and I
in the U-Haul on the motorway while we pedalled for all we were worth!

Part of the load includes a few cabinets for a
couple of displays in the Design Competition room, so Neil, Saul and I spend
some time assembling cabinets... the first two go together well - they’re new
Ikea cabinets so they have tools and instructions... however we struggle a bit
with the other two cabinets as they don’t seem to have any fittings... happily
they show up a little later and we’re able to assemble them with a pair of baby

Wednesday sees the official opening of registration
for IPP 38 and also the SOAP’s Fabric and Fibre tour that Jen and Paulette have
been planning for the best part of a year... there is plenty of excited
catching up with friends before the bus heads out in search of fabric, fibre
and beads... they are not disappointed.
We set up the registration area and agree a process
which then subsequently gets tweaked several times over the next few days and
we’ve all got it pretty well-oiled by the second last day of IPP.
While we’re handling registration a new Chico Banan
video gets posted telling us that the man himself has been spotted heading for
the Mexican border... and then in unrelated news, Big Steve posts from LAX
where he is about to board a plane to SAN - concerned for his safety, one
well-wisher (OK, it was me!) tells him to “Stay safe, brother”.

After lunch with some of the gang, Neil and I head
out to find him a whistle from the magic shop that Jen and Gilly found the
previous day... at the shop we intended to visit we find they don’t have any in
stock and they direct us to another shop in the Gaslamp District - we feel the
need to refuel on ice cream before heading into the centre of town - American
ice cream cones are large - mental note number two.
At said magic shop we find they’re closed, a bit of
a drag, but it will allegedly reopen a little later, so we head for a
Starbucks... at the appointed time we return and hang around a little for the
coolest magic shop dude to arrive back and let us in... Neil finds his whistle
and I grab a really unique deck of cards for Wil.
Gill and the girls return a little exhausted from a
wonderful day trip with their mates from around the world... happy wife, happy
life. :-)

When registration closes we have dinner with the
Pawliger clan and I lose a fight with Helen to at least contribute to the
dinner bill - thanks Helen!
Back in the lobby I find Big Steve who’s arrived
from LAX - he’s buzzing having seen the latest from Chico on FaceBook so we
catch up on the latest developments on the tongue depressor front - it’s an
exciting time to be a tongue depressor collector, apparently.
I have a nice chat to Brian and Frank before heading upstairs to crash for the night.