Saturday – EXCHANGE DAY!

After the exchange I managed to meet up with Tom and acquire
a couple of his latest creations – several of which will no doubt appear in
this blog in the near future as they’re excellent puzzles… I was particularly
delighted to get hold of a copy of Goh Pitt Khiam’s Ship in a Bottle from Tom
after playing with James’ copy earlier in the year… brilliant puzzle!
I manage to attend most of the lectures in the afternoon and
find Tyler’s talk on Puzzling Learnings really fascinating, and I really
appreciate Dick's and Nick’s tributes to Markus.

At the banquet I get to spend some time chatting to John
Partridge about his puzzle designs, and Neil and I end up chatting to him about
his latest design, Model #360. We’d both managed to solve it reasonably quickly
and this appears to make John resolve that he needs to make sure that his next
puzzle will take us longer to crack open… we don’t really try to dissuade him
much. We’re all royally entertained by some excellent magicians, including the
brilliantly talented Nathan Phan from Glasgow, and Scott Owen, whose sleight of
hand was achingly good.
After the formal entertainment, Ken brings out some toys for
us to play with (tops and poppers!) and soon afterwards someone brings out a
pile of tongue depressors and the lads begin making stick bombs around the
table, much to everyone’s amusement.
At some point someone in the group wonders out loud whether
it might be possible to make a stick bomb and insert it under a hotel door and
leave it armed… a little experimentation convinces us that it should work and
we speak no more of it.

In unrelated news, long after I’ve retired to bed,
apparently Big-Steve heads up to his room to collect something and returns a
little ashen-faced and enquires whether anyone would like to tell him about
what he’s just found in his hotel room... apparently
there was some sort of stick bomb in his room that went off as soon as he
opened the door – rather unexpectedly, wouldn’t ya’ know. There weren’t any witnesses. He probably made
all that up…
Sunday – Puzzle Party!

At the appointed hour we allow the orderly stampede of
puzzlers into the main event and lots of commerce ensues. It’s fun to see the
wide-eyed greenhorns seeing all manner of wondrous items freely available for
sale and then being given puzzles by strangers just because they’re there…
I notice Steve asking random folks if they know anything about the things he found in his room the night before - surprisingly, no-one owns up to knowing anything.
Ethel has a table filled with wonders in need of a new,
loving home from Laurie’s collection – and I find a couple of items to add to
my little hoard. Pavel has his usual wonderful spread of things, including
copies of his new Punana Split group table puzzle hunt that I’ve been meaning
to pick up.

After the puzzle party room had been cleared, it seemed that
pretty much everybody had simply decanted themselves into the Design
Competition room for some final solving and voting for their favourite puzzles.

Somehow we get the Design Competition room cleared – have
you ever tried to get between a horde of keen puzzlers and this year’s best new
puzzle designs- so we can turn the room into the shipping office for puzzlers
needing to ship their latest acquisitions home rather than carry them.
I grab a quick shower and dress for dinner – it’s wooden tie
night – before heading back down to the shipping office to move all the nicely
packaged up boxes into the organisers’ office for the night. Nick and I sort
out some of the logistics for the evenings’ festivities and we get to spread a
little extra love around in the form of table puzzles donated by Allen Rolfs
and Thinkfun.

I get to introduce the first ever non-male IPP host and the
host of next year’s IPP, and they both well and truly whet our appetites for
upcoming IPPs. Nick rattles through the Design Competition winners and I’m
delighted when Volker Latussek’s Casino
ends up with both the Jury Grand Prize and the Puzzlers’ Choice Award. Frans
takes over briefly to thank the hosts and asks Kagen up on stage to hand over
the host gifts he’s been commissioned to make – there’s a lovely little comic
moment when he drops mine on the floor just before he gets to me… it’s fine! I
get to formally thank all the wonderful folks who’ve volunteered to help out
across the last few days before Nick invites the committee and organising team
up on stage for a small gift and a large round of appreciation from a room full
of happy puzzlers and their families… Neil gets a bit of a surprise when he’s
included because he’s put in a massive amount of help and literally always
seemed to be around and eager to lend a hand – Nick may have referred to him as
the apprentice’s apprentice, but I think he’s already way more important than
that! Cheers mate. :-)

Back up in the room
we spend several hours packing… knowing that first thing in the morning we’d be
flying out to Boston for the second leg of our adventure.
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