I first spotted this one on a FaceBook post a
little while back and Sod’s Law dictated that by the time I headed over
to the Etsy store, they were sold out… so I had to watch patiently as
the first wave of puzzles made it out into the wild
while I sat on my hands. I dropped Sashko a note through Etsy
and asked to be put on a waiting list – and waited patiently.
There’d been a couple of questions from puzzlers as
to whether this was a cheap imitation of the DanLock (after all, it’s a puzzle
lock with a sawn-off key…), and initial feedback from those already in
possession of both, was “No sirree! – this is
a totally different animal.” – interest duly piqued, I keenly waited for
my name to float toward the top of the waiting list before I pinged
over my PayPal – and a short while later, a neat little packet arrived
from Sweden.
Inside the packet there’s a little introductory
booklet with half a key glued to the front of it…the booklet makes it
clear that that half of the key is purely there for decoration – you
don’t use it in solving the puzzle. Good to know.
The booklet gives you the back story about the lock
which effectively collapses into: using the sawn-off half-a-key (and
any other tools you can find), open the lock and find the pearl, then
reset it for the next puzzlist.
OK – so hurl yourself in puzzling-mode and examine
what you have… the padlock seems to be a little butchered, with a couple
of obvious grub screws disturbing the otherwise unblemished surface. The
key will fit in the keyhole – a bit – but
not enough to be useful… and it certainly won’t turn the barrel.
Engage puzzle-brain and explore the possibilities
and you’ll find a way to make a little progress and probably even find
some additional tools… which turn out to be quite useful.
Puzzling-wise, I found things broke down into three
phases, with discoveries / A-Ha! Moments in each phase… the first bit
was fairly straight-forward and got you hooked into the puzzle.

I ended up asking The Oracle if I’d done anything stupid because I couldn’t see what else I could do and I was still searching for my treasure – he told me I’d finished and a closer inspection led me to find the treasure waiting to be revealed.
Having removed the treasure and danced the required
little pirate jig, I began the reassembly process – and that, it turns
out, is a whole extra puzzle to solve… a puzzle that, on its own, would
be worth the entry price, IMHO.
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