Stickman Puzzlebox #4 was first offered for sale back in
2004 as a collaborative effort between Rob and Eric Fuller (and Lee Krasnow if
you include the mini-burr hidden inside). Each of the four long sides of the
box has a channel running the length of the side with a number of sliding tiles
trapped in the channel. Those channels are interrupted in the centre by a
rotating square collar – free to rotate in either direction … for as long as
you like …hmmmm, therapeutic …
Examining the collar a bit more carefully, you’ll spot a
pair of holes on opposite sides that should just accommodate a tile in each and
provide a mechanism for moving tiles between channels – as soon as you work out
how to get the tiles in there in the first place.

…and once you’ve got everything to where you think they need
to be, there’s one last little killer move to get the drawer to open… one that
evaded me for quite some time! Once you’ve got the drawer open, there’s a
latched cover over the top of each drawer to stop anything in the drawers
getting in the way of the insides – neat!

What else can I say – it’s a piece of Stickman history and
with nine years on the clock it still looks absolutely perfect and everything
works precisely as intended, but then it’s a Stickman- would you expect
anything less?
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