Wake up early with excitement before the alarm goes off,
shower and head downstairs for breakfast, leaving Gill still asleep. I have
breakfast with Scott and enjoy a great mix of fantastically technical chat and
brilliant wit (his) – I really enjoy our chats tremendously!
After breakfast we all gather outside the hall and wait
patiently to be allowed in at the appointed hour. I make a bee-line for Perry’s
table – the only thing I absolutely HAVE to get is whatever he’s selling this
year – you’re never going to be disappointed… I duly acquire a gorgeous slice
of wooden cake, knowing that he’ll have sold all he’s brought along well before
the end of the puzzle party.

Wil has managed to get me a copy of Hanayama’s new Cast Dot
puzzle – he’s only got a couple so he’s being a little cagey with them – and I’m

Dimitry has some lovely hand-cast puzzles and I decide it’s
time to pick up a real Treble Clef because his prices are jolly reasonable!
Alan still has a few copies of Perry’s Brass Balls left and
I wonder aloud just how many of those he must have had because he’s been
selling them at pretty much every IPP I’ve been to now…

Jerry and Eric are running order lists and I put my name
down for a good few items from both of them… and when the puzzle party is
winding up Andrei gives me a copy of a prototype 4-piece assembly puzzle he’s
had on his table for folks to play with – Thanks Andrei!

We dress up for the awards dinner and I get a chance to wear
my new wooden tie courtesy of Kathleen (Ta!) and feel like I’m one of the cool
kids. :-)
- Mike gets a huge shout-out for his Rocking Horse Puzzle,
- as does Brian for Tweedledum and Tweedledee,
- Andrei for Tripla (the one little puzzle I have been religiously carrying around in my pocket the whole of IPP and inflicting it on anyone who hadn’t seen it yet…) and
- Stephan Baumegger for his Moulin Rouge which had been in the exchange as well as in the Design Competition
… all of whom earned Top Ten Vote
..and then Jerry’s Burrnova gets
an Honourable Mention from the Jury…

A couple of us examine Frans’ host gift, a lovely combo of
Juno’s bigger assembly and Brian’s latest Louvre puzzle – Steve and I see if we
can find the key piece and then experiment with how far we dare push it out,
knowing that it’ll probably collapse if we tug it a little too much… in the
end, in spite of Nick’s encouragement, discretion get the better of us and we
leave it all assembled for Frans…

Among all the wonderful laughter and stories there’s some
wonderfully good news that I’d contrived to miss when I solved Adin’s nonogram –
a wonderful antidote to the previous day's sad news…

We're up early again for my now-customary breakfast of croissants with bacon, followed by pain au chocolat with coffee - great way to start the day! After breakfast we head out to the Trocadero on the Metro for a fabulous view of the Eiffel Tower - today's touristing.

Frans spends a fortune buying Gill and I a glass of champagne and pretty soon everyone is up there toasting one another and a successful IPP37. There’s plenty of posing for the obligatory pics, more than a little silliness and an awful lot of laughter.

After a really fine salad(!) and a wonderfully cold drink we headed off in search of a Metro and wound our way back to the hotel.
Back in the lobby I had a lovely chat with Gary and Saul about life, the universe and metal forges before Gary showed me pics of his awesome puzzle room – and I feel a little honoured to have been given a peek at it… my what a collection of books he has in there!

We have an early evening debrief meeting to make sure that we’ve captured all the lessons to be learnt from things that have gone right and from those that might not have gone as well as we’d hoped… I’m still not sure what some people expected our intrepid host to do about the occasional rain, the temperature in the catacombs or the length of the queues at the Eiffel Tower!
Dinner is at a Lebanese restaurant within walking distance of the hotel and we managed to prise Frans away from the French contingent in order to join us for a meal… we have a super dinner – seriously brilliant food!! …and I manage to finally open a box that I’ve been carrying around with me with since the puzzle party.

It’s been a long, happy gathering of friends, tinged with a bit of grief at the passing of a good friend, but plenty of happy memories shared of times spent with him… and lots of new happy memories to carry us through another year apart… Frans - you did yourself proud - 37 was a fantastic IPP!
See you all in… next year.